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WAR is getting Close.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
So do something about it instead of just bitchin' on a car forum.

Ginger Beer

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Mar 31, 2020
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Russia have said at every point stronger support is given to Ukraine they would respond with a nuclear attack. Traditionally nuclear weapons would not come out of the blue. They would only be used as a last resort in a complex situation. The US and Russia had open channels around that to avoid unintentional use. While there are a small number of cases where that failed and an all out strike almost occurred, they account for a small percentage, not something that is a rule.

While that might not be in place now, as it was then, it still is not reason to use them. Strategy is a big part of warfare. Saying something does not equal actions. Saying something leaves the opposition guessing. Questioning. Just as France has said it will not take off the table having French troops in Ukraine. That leaves Russia being a bit more careful about things. It creates another thing to think about. Some of our leaders are saying things that are strategically stupid (through ignorance) like we won’t do it. Or we absolutely wo t have troops there. Why would you do that? Give them more problems, not less. It doesn’t mean they will do it. It means they won’t take it off the table.

I’m not a war monger. I have a keen interest in war history and war strategy. I grew up in a Military family and one hell of a huge library at home around it.

It bothers me that our population does not possess the online skills to recognise deliberately manipulative information that is carefully fed to us.

Algorithms do that. They do not pick sides. They give us what we want to see. What we have been consuming and they do radicalise us quickly. It is the very underlying discourse in the world today and social media organisations are immune from prosecution around the way they use their algorithms. They way the develop them. It’s highly intentional and it all lacks any morals. Social media has the power (and some say) is the power) behind growing social unrest, behind polarisation of global political ideology. It’s a natural evolution of giving us more of what we consume digitally. It is subtle. It’s deliberate.

Every person should be more aware of that.
Funny you mention "out of the blue" attacks

If I'm not mistaken, the most likely nuclear threat worked out by the US government on US soil was a "out of the blue" attack

And yes, whilst there are lots of hoops required to fire a ICBM now to stop those opps training moments, all you need is a small team of independent nutters to fire of a tactical or 2, this is one of the reasons the Yanks binned them, because they are so "easy" to use

Luckily for Australia we are well out of range of tacticals, and there's not that many nukes pointing at us anyway, unlike the US, which would be glassed just as much as any other nuclear weaponed country that was going toe to toe with each other

Australia will of course catch a few in some locations, but, we should have time to contemplate our navels before the fallout hits and it becomes snow season

In the end I hope it all goes away soon, a nuclear war would really wreck my retirement plans, just imagine the wait for a newly ordered sports car to arrive from Japan, it would take ages..........

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
You need to understand that while there is always a need to plan for an out of the blue attack (historically) “plan for the worst” the open channel they had was the “Hope for the best” planning part.

The open channel was the tool that stabilised the risk of unnecessary launches.

The purpose Putin uses nuclear language is because it polarises discussion. He or Medvedev can drop these clangers and be assured that the western populations will react with anxiety and fear. It is sown. Human superpower is creative thinking. When collective anxiety occurs, rather than focusing on facts and experience taking the front foot, we collectively see creative thinking empowered and people will create imaginary senarios to support that fear. Sometimes irrational as well. This occurs on an individual level and as a collective group.

Strategically it’s a smart thing. It gives the population a problem to preoccupy themselves with. It’s driven by irrational thought processes.

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
In regard to what’s in Africa for Australia? Nothing. It’s not a major trading partner. Its economy is not tied into ours. Europes is. SE Asia is. The US is.

For the US, Europe is the single biggest economy they trade with. For parts of their population to fail to see the present danger to European stability and its importance for the economy of The United States is concerning. It is of absolute importance that Europe a stability is maintained and that is done by supporting Ukraine to prevent a broader conflict.

The US didn’t want to be involved in WW1. It didn’t want to be involved in WW2. Once it was in, it was a game changer for each of those conflicts. It’s the only military that can project its power any where at any time. Its presence in Europe from WW2 until today is a big part of preventing a bigger war with Russia. Now we have people suggesting they withdraw from Europe (NATO) and worry about themselves instead. Thats like putting a stick through the front spokes of their own bike. It directly threatens the stability of their biggest trading economy.

The idea of making the US great again is based off the hey day of the post ww2 era. That was because it got involved in global conflict. It was born out of remaining in their most important trading economies to stabilise them. Leaving them again only sets it up to fail and then fail its own economy.


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here than it'll be a long winter for us all.
It will fix the climate change. The greenhouse gas emissions blanket the Earth, they trap the sun’s heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. YEAH!!!! Use a Nuke, it fixes the temperature and will make we have colder Summers. Climate Change 'EG" Colder Summers whats wrong with that. Getting Older I'm starting to hate the heat.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67

I hope so!

Ginger Beer

Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2020
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You need to understand that while there is always a need to plan for an out of the blue attack (historically) “plan for the worst” the open channel they had was the “Hope for the best” planning part.

The open channel was the tool that stabilised the risk of unnecessary launches.

The purpose Putin uses nuclear language is because it polarises discussion. He or Medvedev can drop these clangers and be assured that the western populations will react with anxiety and fear. It is sown. Human superpower is creative thinking. When collective anxiety occurs, rather than focusing on facts and experience taking the front foot, we collectively see creative thinking empowered and people will create imaginary senarios to support that fear. Sometimes irrational as well. This occurs on an individual level and as a collective group.

Strategically it’s a smart thing. It gives the population a problem to preoccupy themselves with. It’s driven by irrational thought processes.
This is why governments love all this abcd+ gender nonsense, and other fashionable *freedoms" and "rights" that people expect to be able to have, the population takes their sides, and focus on things that don't really matter, or even make sense sometimes

If the government actually cared about supporting their nations population as a whole they could use all their time fixing real issues, but, that is hard work that could make them unpopular with lots of minority groups, or tax payers (infrastructure is expensive)

Hence why they are happy to focus on things that don't really matter, or cost alot of funding, as it takes the focus of the real issues, like future proofing and infrastructure in their country

Take 10 people from different backgrounds and you will have 10 different views on how things should be run, and 10 different things that we need to be focusing on

Hell, take 10 people from similar backgrounds and you will have 10 different views on what oil brands and weights is best for a LS1 with 150k km on it, with maybe 1 view based off a few oil sample tests, the other 9 views are typically based on what other people have told them is good, or they like the packaging and/or advertisements

Meh.....these are only my opinions, and as a wise man once said "opinions are like arse holes, every one has one"

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
The Governments are just as lost as the people that vote them in. Less and less regulation. Too much power to lobby groups and corporations and less value on the individual voter. Too much emphasis on how everyone owes corporations something. How they are so important to individuals at the sacrifice of their own rights, all without anyone really noticing because of the distractions of artificially amplified issues that don’t really matter anyway.

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
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VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.
Anyone else seen the Ukrainian octocopter drones that have been fitted out with machine guns?
Like some sort of primitive version of the drones in the movie “Oblivion”

Problems with recoil. Allegedly quickly sorting that out. There has been footage of them used on the battle field. Most is of them in trials though.

I saw one that had a rocket launcher mounted as well as a PKM machine gun.

Drones and drone tech is advancing so fast. It’s Ukraine leading the way with ideas and an active testing ground for international companies wanting to test their platforms.

Having queen drones that launch swarms of smaller attack drones is one idea. Another sees the Queen drone be replaced by a swarm drone of its ever taken out. One will rapidly ascend to altitude and use AI to direct the swarm to targets meaning they are not prone to connectivity issues with satellites. They will identify their own targets via a queen and if the queen is taken out, it’s immediately replaced autonomously.


Can't live without smoky bacon!
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Apr 15, 2006
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Sth Auck, NZ
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HSV VS Senator, VX Calais II L67
have you seen there sea drone with 2 missiles mounted on top?