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Recent content by 48-215

  1. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    That first line, makes you sound like Sarah Palin, you can see Russia from your house. I know she didnt exactly say that, neither did you, but its close enough. I eat everyday, doesnt make me a chef. No you are misinformed or willfully ignorant. PUTIN, not you, not me, not Zelensky, not NATO...
  2. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    So not going then? Talk the talk, wont walk the walk... you let others protect YOUR family? Like I said, easy to talk it up when others do the dying. NATO, would be Ukraine.... thats the point. Map of NATO for the region... sure, he should be OK with more blue. Ukraine might want it, should...
  3. 48-215


    7% more water... does that mean less drought. The world might drown, but that makes it sound like australia should be encouraging climate change... next to Antarctica this is the driest continent... 10% more water wouldnt go astray most years.
  4. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    Youre funny on this bullshit. The effects while long terms, are also immediate. That was your argument about oil prices... takes time you said, but the effects to raise the price was near immediate, you blamed Putin. You tried to have it both ways. Russia makes diesel, yet the tanks litter the...
  5. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    But that process to join the EU is your rock? If NATO is no longer one of the rocks... then EU is no certainty either and not sure it changes much if it goes through. Regardless, NATO is the trigger for Russians. Ukraine let alone a 'as long as you do as I say friendlier Russia' does not control...
  6. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    Joining NATO, was added to their constitution... you are aware of that right? Its not nothing... its not in ours. Theres a reason its there. Their President is not Putins mate... these things are not separate. If you want to be autistic and argue the right and wrong, youve already lost. Right...
  7. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    Still with that... IRAQ... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.... 3 WEEKS.... Superpowers dont seem to march over in 3 weeks, even when they dont have sancitons and monetary penalties impacting their ability to wage said war. In fact at that time, those against the Iraq war made noises about how long it...
  8. 48-215

    Question about cars

    LOL... the internet is like going to the MCG, its all hushed, and chanting through the mic, Holden sux... Holden sux... its not quite the same as doing that over a beer in the backyard. But, at least theres truth and technical unbiased information at your fingertips...
  9. 48-215

    Question about cars

    before the internet rumours were abound... for example the Patrol was rubbish... wait no the Crusier was Rubbish... wait no the 2000s era Pajero couldnt be snatched out of mud because it would twist its monocoque. Apparently there was a litany of them with doors that wouldnt shut. Lies. They all...
  10. 48-215

    Question about cars

    I stand corrected
  11. 48-215

    Question about cars

  12. 48-215

    WAR is getting Close.

    Senility? Fat fingers... no glasses and deleted the wrong multi quote... drunk... Probably all of it...
  13. 48-215

    Question about cars

    Yeah its VN series 1 with its thermostat at the rear and some plumbing to get the coolant back there to the rad. The plumbing runs over (might be under) the drivers side exhaust header.
  14. 48-215

    Question about cars

    I doubt they will still be allowed on the road... or the more likely passive redundancy route by the disappearance of servos with fuels. Stop the dependence on oil... national security... nothing to do with green... watch that speed up.
  15. 48-215

    Question about cars

    Oil via the alternator bracket seems like it would be easier to avoid than incorporate though