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Recent content by afstruct

  1. afstruct

    1992 Sonoma GT Restomod

    Looks great . Never even thought about if powder coating is possible at home ( guessing this is your case ) !! Found You need a sprayer, an electric oven, metal cleaner, powder pigment, a power source, an electrical transformer and attachments for your powder coat sprayer. You need to set aside...
  2. afstruct

    Things That Leave you Gobsmacked (In A Good Way)

    How last year , missus found a tour , ( seamed so long away ) and now it's real = only a few days away from Leaving Aus !! One of the 3 train trips !! https://www.glacierexpress.ch/en/travel-planning/route/
  3. afstruct

    Monty Monaro

    Friday , it passed it's rego check but with notes ( I could see this coming !!!) , = need new front tyres !! Outer edges are scrubbed out. Going away , =( well in 7 days will not be in country ). So realisably , not till late June /probably July will get new front boots. Not sure age/kms...
  4. afstruct

    My HSV Clubsport

    OH Can I bid in on that !!! You've said before ( give up on ) but have stuck with , missus has a car , you have a bike , you love a V8 , ( true there are heaps more modern out there ) , BUT at what soulless cost !!!
  5. afstruct

    My HSV Clubsport

    I so need a couple of those T shirts !!! Guessing my my missus would say you should wear one 24/7 !!!!
  6. afstruct

    What did you do in the shed or garage today

    As a Structures AME ,aviation , always used Micrometres at Qantas , on the the RAAF Hornets everyone used verniers , ( and yet anal engineering = go figure !!!) ,not sure I still understand that!! Grew up using these...
  7. afstruct

    What did you do in the shed or garage today

    There's 30 seconds on a David Attenborough documentary= Homo Erectus in the wild!!!!
  8. afstruct

    My HSV Clubsport

    The ones you love most give you the most heartache !!
  9. afstruct

    Things That Leave you Gobsmacked (In A Good Way)

    As a dumb cxxt 17 year old ( need to be in a some what cool kids group ) , took up = yes ( that dumb asse habit= smoking ). 25years later = quit. Just remembered , last month = 20 years since I gave up that stupid habit and have not had one or missed !!! ( If you have been seriously hooked , you...
  10. afstruct


    Only team to beat who's ! 1ST ATM, !!! Also my wish /go to after my Swanies !!!
  11. afstruct


    Now sitting 2nd , ( my youngest brother follows ) , I and my other brother follow the Swans / South Melbourne. Looked up = not to RD23 do we clash. Lots can change between ,but Recon top 3 form teams ATT are the Bombers, Swans and ( Dam !!!) ,Collingwood. Could change in a heartbeat/or/a...
  12. afstruct

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    NRMA road service for $212 , OH if you don't mind saying =what service/level is that?
  13. afstruct

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    I'd commit suicide if I couldn't have a vegemite saga , or vegemite on viterbrites crackers =yum !!
  14. afstruct

    Things That Leave you Gobsmacked (In A Good Way)

    Yes , this personal history stuff is rare as and a snapshot to all our past as a nation . I can't believe how lucky I've been to , mum's thrown out and have found so we still have/access to/ get to share with anyone. I'm sure I've said here already , ( wish I'd asked but I doubt he would...
  15. afstruct

    Things That Leave you Gobsmacked (In A Good Way)

    Our mum ,having hung onto all this stuff for a lifetime = ( WTF ) , gives away !!! The somehow on the 25th 2024 !! I hit right the right search and well here we are !! Way back , Both my youngest brother and myself remember wearing ( as kids wearing his slouch hat ), but, ( unfortunately ...