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Recent content by Baldoldfart

  1. B

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Prices for electricity will never go down, they are monopolies that sell power to make money. They will charge what the market will pay to maximise profits, cost of production, distribution or fairness doesn't come into it. An example of how privatisation and private enterprise works is...
  2. B

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Watch the orange man bully, talk over, intimidate and bluster his way through the whole debate. He will also pull some stunt with the audience ( be interesting how many red hats are in there). He will then have a presser after and state it was the best debate ever and how he won, and how "people...
  3. B

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Just look at the last 50 years in the middle east, greed, self interest and the chosen ones. Looks like there will always be conflict.
  4. B

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Rednecks love to hate.......
  5. B

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    It's easy to see where you sit politically, standard redneck conservative mindset. Been doing some travelling the last week or so, lots of EV's on the road. Talking to the owners, all are happy.
  6. B

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    I still treasure my third place in under eleven breast stroke certificate, it's included in my CV. Sometimes in life you reach a pinnacle that you never achieve again but I keep trying.
  7. B

    Things That Leave you Gobsmacked (In A Good Way)

    Really? Or sarcasm?
  8. B

    The Random Thread

    Another culture like Bali? Full of ugly Australians full of drugs or cheap brewed alcohol abusing locals and fighting in the streets at 4am. Jump on an aircraft full of the same ugly Australians (not all but a lot) making everybody else's life hell. Those same Australians pushing inline at the...
  9. B

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    In every town there are people who know people, people whose friend, people who heard and people who have read on the net who know of somebody who heard a rumour of that some kid is identifying as something else.
  10. B

    what did you do to your car today?

    Put some 15" original steelies on it and it would be perfect
  11. B

    Grass is always greener.........

    We are a spoiled mob, whatever we drive there is always something faster, handles better and is more desirable. If we do have the dream car we aren't game to take it on the road otherwise it will get too many K's on it, the paintwork might chip, the rain will make it grotty or the sun will fade...
  12. B

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    The tech system was proven very successful, till it was decimated with howards vandalism and stripped of funding (because the private sector can do things cheaper :rolleyes:). We are now paying the price with high prices for work done and low numbers of tradesmen. That is one of the things...
  13. B

    The Random Thread

    Looks to have been quite a bit of traffic on it when it collapsed.
  14. B

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Standard fare for religious cults, that with bullying, misinformation, isolation, finally if you ask too many questions ejection and never seeing your relatives again. Pack of bastards all of them. They have unlimited money to challenge everything in the courts and bankrupt any opposition...