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Recent content by BrettP75

  1. BrettP75

    VS 5.0's VE 6.0 Chlorophyll SSV Z Series

    Such a beautiful colour. That and Alchemy I used to a VS in Panther Mica that was a lovely colour.
  2. BrettP75

    VS 5.0's VE 6.0 Chlorophyll SSV Z Series

    Nah didn’t need an adhesion promotor just the 1200 grit scratches are ok.
  3. BrettP75

    VS 5.0's VE 6.0 Chlorophyll SSV Z Series

    Ahhh yeah been there many times :rolleyes:
  4. BrettP75

    VS 5.0's VE 6.0 Chlorophyll SSV Z Series

    Have you thought of sanding your headlights back with P1200 wet until it’s an even dull finish then get a can of 2K clear (proper 2K, not the rubbish acrylic stuff) and mask it up and hit it with 2-3 coats of the clear. They’ll look brand new and never fade again, I did that to my sons WRX, my...
  5. BrettP75

    Top Gear Cancelled After 46 Years

    Yeah same, and who else would buy a Lambo tractor :cool:
  6. BrettP75

    The Motorcycle riders thread

    Do we get to go to the funeral of the first person to ride that?
  7. BrettP75

    The Motorcycle riders thread

    Yeah could have been a lot worse. Geez I rate Bisley work pants too. Only thing that happened to them was zip ripped off the pocket.
  8. BrettP75

    The Motorcycle riders thread

    Fort yeah fortunately my son works for a H-D dealer and has several of the parts in his tool box. Lucky nothing was broken on the bike all cosmetic.
  9. BrettP75

    The Motorcycle riders thread

    Yeah already at max left lean angle ‍
  10. BrettP75

    The Motorcycle riders thread

    So this fekkin happened to me on Thursday. Too much front brake and the bars dropped from under me. Broke my thumb which I guess is lucky could have been a lot worse.
  11. BrettP75

    Grounding points?

    I had a very similar issue with my 07 Calais everything would shut off momentarily stereo dash lights etc only for a second or 2, turned out BCM was faulty. Put a new BCM in and issue hasn’t happened since.
  12. BrettP75

    VS 5.0's VE 6.0 Chlorophyll SSV Z Series

    Very nice …… really sweet example of a VE SS mate. Beautiful colour too
  13. BrettP75

    Battery died and need new one

    That unfortunately applies to pretty much everything manufactured today.
  14. BrettP75

    VS 5.0's VE 6.0 Chlorophyll SSV Z Series

    Same ……
  15. BrettP75

    How many kms will my 2006 VE SSV get out of one tank ? Highway travelling?

    We drove to Melbourne from Campbelltown in NSW and we filled up in Wangaratta which is about 570km and it wasn’t on empty (just hitting the red)but had no idea where next fuel was. I was pretty impressed for. 6ltr V8 get that economy.