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Recent content by cleggy6879

  1. C

    Vl Fuel Pump

    Decided to rip the tank out to check out all the fuel lines and came across this dogs breakfast. All the vapour lines are rat s$&t
  2. C

    Vl Fuel Pump

    To me it looks like a stock vl external pump having previously owned a rb30 but I'm not sure what flow this thing puts out. The tank is like a VK setup too with the twist opening instead of the 5 bolt setup for removing the internal pump. I'm hoping whatever I come up with the regulator sorts...
  3. C

    Vl Fuel Pump

    Sorry for pumping this forum with questions but the fuel pump on the vl has shat itself. This cars been in storage for ages so im just working through it to get her going again. It runs the dual pump setup but im not sure whether the standard external pump on the rb30 efi is the same as the one...
  4. C

    Long shot!! Vacuum diagram or photos

    Hey everyone. I've got a vl Brock and recently took off the carby to rebuild and I'm sure I took photos of all the hose connections before I pulled it off but I can't find the bloody things. Would anyone happen to have photos or diagrams of the emissions/vacuum line connections. I can account...
  5. C

    VL 304 brock

    Ah ok no worries, cheers mate
  6. C

    VL 304 brock

    Anyone know a manual that covers the 304 in the vl Brock. I'm sure most of the braking and bodywork would be covered I the standard manual but I can't find much on the 304 setup TIA