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Recent content by corhijasna

  1. corhijasna

    Victoria Police Show of a VF & Falcon replacement

    Highway patrol down here in Portland have a bmw
  2. corhijasna


    Thanks for info,good to add to the memory bank
  3. corhijasna

    Roof DVD. “No Disk”

    I have had the same problem in my Caprice,try a few different discs,for some reason and I have no idea why mine won’t play all discs,very weird but I don’t watch them anyways so don’t worry about it lol
  4. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

  5. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    Thought I did lol,sorry all It’s the my16 ,wS going by what I was told ,he was only a year out lol ,it’s the latest from Holden so that’s one good thing
  6. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    Sounds good,apparently Holden and other suppliers either have or are running out of the updates, with the way Holden is now I’m not to sure if they will do updates for much longer as they work on a 10yr max from what I was told in relation to updates etc Still a few years to go but there has to...
  7. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    Roughly what I paid plus postage
  8. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    Thanks guys,I’ll have tohave a chat to the bloke as he said it was from last year or year before so 17-18, Either way it’s an improvement from what I can tell so far,best thing was the price ,nowhere near what Holden want if you can get it, Cheers
  9. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    8418 is what comes up on the display ,I was told these are the latest updates from Holden and theycame out in 2017-2018 ,what I was told but still better 7172 that were in there
  10. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    Sorry everyone I’ll just go check and get back to you all
  11. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    A company in Melbourne sentan inbox
  12. corhijasna

    VE Series 2 2016 Map update SD Card

    After a lot of let’s say stuffing around I was able to get the latest updates for the wm which are 2017-2018 ,quite a step up from the original 2010 maps originally installed I must say,wasn’t to bad cost wise either,
  13. corhijasna

    150,000km Service on 2014 VF SV6 Storm

    As others have stated it’s all in the type of oil and the procedures for topping up etc etc ,I’d be asking what type of oil he is putting in there as they can be temperamental if not done correctly eg temp of oil box etc etc ,good luck however I would be taking to a trans specialist or back to...
  14. corhijasna


    Very nice love the vz,s
  15. corhijasna

    Comment by 'corhijasna' in item 'New koya sf06'

    Looks nice