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Recent content by DAKSTER


    Girl, 14, gang raped while walking home through Sydney park

    Are you ok mate? :unsure:

    Girl, 14, gang raped while walking home through Sydney park

    What possible excuses have I offered in defence of this scum? At what point have I defended the undefendable? Yes, I am aware of the history of the Sudan. I'm aware of the misery caused over there by exactly the same kind of scum that did it over here too. I think deportation is a ridiculous...

    Girl, 14, gang raped while walking home through Sydney park

    Perhaps you just don't necessarily hear of such things. Not all crimes are reported, not all crimes hit the media. Christian brothers regularly pack raped boys in home Tell me incidentally, do you consider a single rapist to be more acceptable than a bunch of them?

    Girl, 14, gang raped while walking home through Sydney park

    I agree the rapists are just pack animals and should be culled just like any other feral pig. Painfully. Only one thing concerns me about this thread. Whilst I share your attitudes to the rapists, I would like to point out that white people, immigrants or refugees or not, also do crap like...

    DAKSTERS VS Berlina

    OK, I thought we had a discussion about this previously but maybe I was wrong. I can get 48x 101 without doing anything else and be totally stable for 24hrs on Prime, but a mate of mine tried the chip on his (much fancier) board, under water, and tells me he got it to 5.3GHz but wont tell me...

    DAKSTERS VS Berlina

    Thanks for the kind words guys and gal ;) ... sadly my health is terrible and getting worse every day. This was always going to happen and I have been beating the odds for years, now its time to face the music I guess. They have taken my license off me as they don't consider me able to drive...

    A Basic Backyarders Guide to Spraypainting.

    Sorry for disappearing guys, haven't been well. This car is now for sale, most likely to be parted out. Its in pretty much exactly the same state as it was in last post, but a bit dirtier lol.. A for sale thread will appear as soon as the mods approve it.

    DAKSTERS VS Berlina

    Sorry for disappearing guys, haven't been well. This car is now for sale, to be parted out most likely. A thread will appear in the FS section as soon as mods approve it. The LS3 is sold, the rest of the car pretty much exactly as it was but a bit dirtier.

    The Random Thread

    Going to buy a Chery ? :rofl2:

    The Random Thread

    Frogs only know about pigs.

    The Random Thread

    How to have sex.

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Nicely done :beer chug: I think I would laugh just as heartily at a similar joke of some kind about Gillard though, they are both public figures and both get ridiculed every day, so why would this example be different? Its a bunch of BS of course, a harmless bit of fun back of house in a...

    The Random Thread

    thread name changed to "Frustrated? Share your fantasies here!"

    My latest build..

    Stuck the i7 into it just to see how well it cools. I havent bought a mobo for it yet, so its a bit ghetto fitting it in with a mATX board lol... I thought I would try it out and see what I could get out of the stock cooler, especially since its in the closed drawer and not ventilating as well...

    The Random Thread
