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Recent content by EvoVIIIJDM

  1. E

    Rice Burners, Yay or Nay?

    Love a jap car. Chances of cut springs and loud exhaust etc being on some v6 bogandore.
  2. E

    HSV VT Senator

    Good mate. Loving it here in Perth. be back in July for juniors 1st birthday, try catch up with you then.
  3. E

    HSV VT Senator

    good stuff tomo. Hauling ass now.
  4. E

    Its a little warm today

    And 44 degrees forecast for today, 40 til monday. Its going to stay warm.
  5. E

    Its a little warm today

    trains and trams stopped as tracks buckled. Adelaide hottest place on earth today.
  6. E

    Its a little warm today

    your sunshield is good for nothing in this heat. let it run for a while with the aircon on and doors open.
  7. E

    Its a little warm today

    i understand enough and agree. Its all about the grass. Bison brand is the best, the grass has magical properties.
  8. E

    Its a little warm today

  9. E

    Its a little warm today

    Perfect grammar. Nie dobry,to jest tak goracy. (not good, too damn hot) Ill take minus 20 over this shite and 2 bottles of Wybrowa.
  10. E

    Its a little warm today

    Gee im not far behind him.
  11. E

    Its a little warm today

    im going home to my pool. My Polish blood isnt built to handle this heat.
  12. E

    Its a little warm today

    ^^^ I will learn to like her...... Got to love a northerly breeze to fan force oven it up!
  13. E

    Its a little warm today

    i walked outside, took a lung full of air and felt like my internals were cooking. Move to Hobart FTW!
  14. E

    Its a little warm today

    Well the mecury has just hit 45.2 in Adelaide. Hope you guys in SA and Vic are enjoying the heat. Mecury not to drop below 35 until next tueday, hope you are somewhere cool.
  15. E

    Dirtbikes - who's into them?

    not into dirt, into road. any bike is awesome fun.