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Recent content by Gilbert

  1. G

    Apologies for the delay! Only really jump on here if I need something haha. Did you still need...

    Apologies for the delay! Only really jump on here if I need something haha. Did you still need info on the Bluetooth Module?
  2. G

    [VE] How to replace HVAC Module - VE Commodore

    I do :'( First ever post hahaha I was hoping Dropbox would work......
  3. G

    [VE] How to replace HVAC Module - VE Commodore

    I made this account just to post this guide as I had a bit of trouble finding one, but as I got into it, it seemed actually pretty simple! So a bit of back story: Around Christmas time, I installed a Bluetooth module into the Commodore on my own and was pretty pumped :boxing:. Probably 3...
  4. G

    2006 Holden Ve

    Gilbert submitted a new Showcase Item: 2006 Holden Ve Read more about this showcase item here...
  5. 2006 Holden Ve

    2006 Holden Ve

    2006 Holden Ve