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Recent content by Kylemate

  1. K

    Vr commodore

    Hey I just need some advice I wanna put a fuel cell in my vr ecotec just need to know how much fuel pressure I need and if I need to do anything thing else I have the new fuel lines and fuel pump please let me
  2. K

    Solid vr diff

    I am just wondering I have a VR with solid diff I want to know what defeat is cause I want to change my diff gears
  3. K

    Vl diff in Vr

    What do I need to do to fit a shorten vl diff in a vr that already has a vr oi
  4. K

    Diff gears

    I wanna charge my diff gears in my VR and its got a solid ass end (not irs) just wanna know if it’s m80 or m78?
  5. K

    Vs to ve

    Will a vs irs fit in a ve??