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Recent content by Rollin

  1. R

    How To: Change a VF Steering Wheel

    Can you still buy these steering wheels? cant seem to find them via the google...
  2. R

    Learnt something new today - Handbrake

    Mine releases with a bit of a clunk if i dont take it off manually
  3. R

    U-Scan tool from Superheap

    I just want to be able to see and clear/troubleshoot codes when they come up. The ELM looks good and at 65$ isnt too hard on the wallet either. When you first posted about the 'Kiwi' i was thinking it was from NZ and I was sorted... lol Cheers for your help and advice guys!
  4. R

    U-Scan tool from Superheap

    Cheers man, found an ELM in NZ for 65$. This allows clearing of fault codes etc??
  5. R

    U-Scan tool from Superheap

    Bugger, maybe not, cheapest shipping i can get is 85$ to NZ... :(
  6. R

    U-Scan tool from Superheap

    Cheers, will look into it! What app are you running for it, or does it come with its own?
  7. R

    U-Scan tool from Superheap

    Nice. When will it be available?
  8. R

    U-Scan tool from Superheap

    Hi guys, has anybody tried this tool on their VF yet for getting/clearing fault codes etc? http://www.supercheapauto.co.nz/Product/Actron-U-Scan-Vehicle-OBD2-Diagnostics/353086
  9. R

    iPhone MUSIC via Bluetooth MYLINK

    Mine was doing it and my dealer told me it was the iPhone that was causing issues. I got the update on mylink done but havent really tested it with my iPhone 6 yet...
  10. R

    Reverse Camera Guide Lines

    Just had my 2013 VF Sportwagon MyLink upgraded and i now have gridlines. just ask for the mylink update, costs an hours labour but i had other stuff to get done and a credit at local dealer. :)
  11. R

    2017 SS from Chicago:

    Very nice man, is your front windscreen tinted too?? Looks very dark lol
  12. R

    VF Storm SV6 wing mirror replacement diagram

    Well I managed to replace the wing mirror. Wasnt too hard in the end. Only needed to pop the left hand side of door card to get to last bolts. Diagram helped heaps!! The very front bolt was hidden behind door rubber seal and would have stumped me if I dodnt have the diagram so thanks heaps tak35bme
  13. R

    How to change dome lights VF SV6

    On my S1 VF I need to pull down the sides on the front interior light to get it out. It has tabs in the back that need to be taken out last and put back in first when putting it back in. Took me ages to get it as I was trying to pull the back down first lol
  14. R

    VF Storm SV6 wing mirror replacement diagram

    Hi all, has anyone done a full replacement of the wing mirror? Missus has a woopsie with a garage door and now need to replace whole thing as its cracked. Looks like I need to take off interior door card to get part #5 off to get to the screws the hold mirror on.
  15. R

    VF Key Fob Battery Replacement Instructions?

    Bloody brilliant! I was on youtube looking at some other vids thinking 'holy crap' then saw this.