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Recent content by White Swan

  1. W

    VF SS Police Pack

    So the Police had a car specially engineered to fit a V8 just so they could bait people at the traffic lights. Sounds like an urban myth at best.
  2. W

    Performance chip advice

    How old are you, are you still in nappies? Most car people would have heard of the old oils ain't oils ads.
  3. W

    Cammmm Time

    It's like having pir4te back.
  4. W

    SV6 Ute prices.

    It seems a bit of a gamble to pay the current inflated prices for Evoke & SV6 utes, if the market collapses you have little chance of recouping your outlay. It's a time to sell not buy.
  5. W

    Cam Upgrade

    I didn't know sonny had that type of testing equipment. I know Sams Performance does.
  6. W

    Halogen to LED

    Yes if they decide to get you for headlights they go after everything else while they're at it. Some mods like loud exhausts, tuning and wheels usually don't impact greatly on other road users but blinding lights do. Headlight mods are a bad mod that can kill an oncoming driver and passengers...
  7. W

    VF series 2 fog lights

    I thought fog lights were ineffective lighting unless there was actual fog.
  8. W

    How thick is the primer/paint/clear on a VF2 Commodore

    I’m no detailing wizard but I do take an interest and have always understood rubbing the paintwork to clean it is a big no, no regardless of what type of protective coating is used. No detailer would rub to clean as that would go against all their natural instincts, they would use a cleaning...
  9. W


    Why is this in the VF Section?
  10. W

    insurance refund

    I received the same from QBE and I'm in NSW.
  11. W

    New Headers Advice

    Great, what exhaust brand and components do I need to make my LS3 sound just like an old school Cleveland with headers and hotdogs like back in the 1970's? Or an old school 308 as that would be cool as well. .
  12. W

    VF 2 bonnet vent placement

    They might look a bit better if they were in the right location but agree with the earlier comment, they also sit way too proud.
  13. W

    Dyno tunes LS3

    I read the thread and it makes no sense and that's why you haven't been flooded with replies from members offering their figures. Every dyno and operator is different then weather conditions and many other factors come into play so a comparison doesn't mean squat. What you don't understand is...
  14. W

    which oil

    I'm guessing your knowledge has come from your own thorough independent testing of all the oils in question to arrive at Kendall being the best or did you read it on their website?