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Recent content by wild mulberry

  1. wild mulberry

    VN restoration

    all four doors had the pins renewed........if i wind down the window a touch the door closes easier but like i said its not an issue , this door has had hours spent on it ,its fine iam happy with it
  2. wild mulberry

    VN restoration

    all doors close and seal well , the drivers door needs a bit more of shove......... the vn s pac wagon i bought new in 1991 had the same thing with the drivers door you always needed to give it a bit more of a push......a wagon thing perhaps? the whole rubber seal is the one colour grey, and...
  3. wild mulberry

    VN restoration

    oh yeah forgot about that.........tomorrows project;)
  4. wild mulberry

    VN restoration

    only the front apron was painted the engine bay is original , it has just been tidied up from this....as someone on YouTube said its now not an embarrassment to open the bonnet :)
  5. wild mulberry

    VN restoration

    so with everything that's being going on these past years i can say the Commy has finally come home with air con completed as well.
  6. wild mulberry

    vn wagon OEM jack

    does anyone know if the wagon jack is smaller than the sedan jack...........the one that came with my wagon doesn't fit in the space its supposed to, in the rear sill. I bought a genuine one although not a genuine VN as i've been told the VN sedan jack didn't come with a plastic box , but anyway...