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Recent content by Wogboy1994

  1. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Been pretty lazy with the car hahah, everythings back together and its all going pretty decent decided I want to do some engine work to it so probably exhaust,intake and cam and whatever small changes come with that it will be pretty fun doing it myself, only I just have to remember I cant be...
  2. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Been pretty lazy with the car hahah, everythings back together and its all going pretty decent decided I want to do some engine work to it so probably exhaust,intake and cam and whatever small changes come with that it will be pretty fun doing it myself, only I just have to remember I cant be...
  3. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    So I did some plastidipping on the weekend. Pics to come soon
  4. Wogboy1994

    Got a new car mate!!! ;)

    Got a new car mate!!! ;)
  5. Wogboy1994

    My VZ SS MY06

    Still looks as good as it did when you re painted it man. Those supersports definitely suit it!
  6. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Gear knob is coming along nicely, should be able to sell them and make a bit of cash out of it. I have changed the plans for the knob. I will be redoing the stitching in black but im thinking of dyeing part of the leather on the knob. Also if anyone needs to know the correct way to dissassmble a...
  7. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Ye I think its a cross between the brake dust and possibly the exhaust. So I had a little spare time today and I ordered a few goodies off ebay. All globes have been ordered and now a custom gear knob boot with yellow stitching also. Also with my gear knob I had a little play with it and...
  8. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Cars going in for a review at the panel shop on Tuesday. Have some Custom HSV downlights being made, should look good when I put them in.
  9. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Update onto the gear knob, picked one up tonight. If worse comes to worse I could use that one (its the non leather one) and it would still be alright but I want to try and fix my old one. I might try and see if the actual blue guts come out and if it does ill just swap it with the normal gear...
  10. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Also another problem I had found and kind of annoyed me but fixed accidentally. When I first got my car I gave it a nice wash, since the wash when I tried to change radio stations from 92.9 - 93.7 - 94.5 it would try and find it and take like 20 seconds. Since D/C the battery this fault has...
  11. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Since its going into the panel shop it kind of got me in the modding mood so I have made a little start on all of the cosmetic mods. All interior globes have been removed and will be replaced with white LED, I will also be adding white led strips into the boot and foot wells. I'm hoping to get...
  12. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    So a bit of drama since I have been on here In the space of the weekend some pleb cut me off causing me to brush the gutter with my rear right wheel. (un)Luckily it scratched the rim a little bit and the only rubber taken off was excess so the tyre is still serviceable. Hoping to get the rims...
  13. Wogboy1994

    My Perfect Blue SV6 Ute

    Hey man how hard would it be to remove the plastidip? I was thinking doing my car dash and stuff yellow but not sure if it will be too strong of a colour
  14. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Thanks so much Asx ;) I have been thinking and will probably do what you were saying, using the stock butterflys at the rear but also wiring in an override switch to have them always open. I might also have to pick your brain about some basic **** like best way to remove interior parts andstuff...
  15. Wogboy1994

    My new E3 GTS <3 I just got one

    Id probs check out the prices over all and decide from there, mostly get the brake set though. On another note, my rear bumper and numberplate area is getting covered by this fine black dust and it looks shithouse. Anyone else ever experienced this? Im putting it down to the new brake pads. I...