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  1. outlander

    Commodore VT/ VX Unlocks itself? Could be a dirty key mechanism switch

    I have a bad habit of planning to write things up but never actually making the time, so I'm not going to bother making this too polished, but I wanted to share a solution to a problem thats been plaguing me for more than a year now. It's not something that seems to happen too often, but going...
  2. outlander

    No engine fan control, interior blower or AC

    Little while ago I turned on the AC, and it must have overloaded or something because it tripped a fuse. The back of the AC plug was melted, so I removed that. Later I noticed the engine cooling fan wasn't turning on. I still had to use the car so I ran a wire directly from the relay to the...
  3. outlander

    Semisythetic or fully sythetic oil for Transmission oil?

    My transmission is giving me grief, so I went to Repco last week to get some oil for an oil change. I was looking at the Penrite fully synthetic, but the salesman swayed me to use the semi. He said although the fully synthetic was technically better, it didn't last as long. Both were the same...
  4. outlander

    Spray painting parts for rust protection

    Hiyall What paint is good, easy and cheap to use on parts? I've been doing some suspension work, and things like the lower control arm are looking a little rusted. I'd like to give to give them a touch up to stop them rusting any further, but the most I know about spray paint is to stay away...
  5. outlander

    Spring coil sag and when to replace

    I have a 2001 sedan that I'm replacing the shock absorber struts on. I was going to use the original springs, but measuring them they are 390mm long and the book says standard springs should be 444mm unloaded. Time for replacement? FYI this ride is for comfort not street racing