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  1. MoonDo44

    Drives... Revs drop... Backfire...Exhaust popped

    So I need some advise on a RB30. The engine and car are completely stock. I have been have some problems with fuel (I think) with the car cutting out well driving around town but not dying completely. This car has been sitting for sometime before I bought it. Then today I was driving to work and...
  2. MoonDo44

    Part Hunting - VL Boot Lid

    Hey Everybody, I am on the hunt for a boot lid for a 1988 VL commodore from somewhere within New Zealand. It is the last piece I need for the panel beater so they can start working on. I have been looking for some time now and all the ones have found are rusted. Not worried about what part of...
  3. MoonDo44

    2006 Holden Ssv

    MoonDo44 submitted a new Showcase Item: 2006 Holden Ssv Read more about this showcase item here...
  4. MoonDo44

    1988 Holden Commodore

    MoonDo44 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1988 Holden Commodore Read more about this showcase item here...
  5. MoonDo44

    My Vl

    I thought I would introduce my VL. My VL 1988 VL GTS Red and full of body rust very little has been done to it, just extractors and chipped. Needs alot of work to get it back up to road legal. Plans for: Keep the outside looking normal and upgrade everything else.