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  1. 55ams


    hey guys? how are we? have had my sv6 ve manual for 7 years this month, been on coils for quite a while, done most of the bushes aswell etc my point is, who here has a bagged sedan ute or wagon?? if so, is it worth doing? hows it drive and what kit have you got?? just deciding if i keep it or...
  2. 55ams


    hey guys, could already be on here/ silly question, but when and why did the factory 2 tone Calais stop? the vs was the last?? i know it would most likely look a bit "different" now on ve/f etc ive seen a few vt/z with there own custom painted/wrapped 2 tone and some do look good
  3. 55ams


    hey guys, new to the forum, i'm sure there is a few other threads to this, couldn't see much but if so could someone move this or drop a link cheers.. Soo... i realise its a sv6. don't care about the whole, don't waste ya money bs. but everyone has there reasons etc looking at upgrading the...