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  1. M

    cruise active

    hello all my cruise active light doesn't come on when cruise is active
  2. M

    Globe holders

    Hello all where would I get dash globe holders for a vt series 2
  3. M

    Locked out

    Hi all I installed a new bcm yesterday it come with a paired key but now after locking it I can’t get back in
  4. M


    Hello all I have been looking at this alarm for a long time would it work https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-Way-LCD-Car-Alarm-Remote-Start-and-Siren-Special-Price-/351645112021?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0 Thanks in advance
  5. M

    Starts but stalls

    Hello all my vt starts but stalls changed the injectors as one got stuck open
  6. M

    Wet carpet

    Hello everyone the carpet on passenger rear is wet is this a common issue with the Ve thanks in advanced
  7. M

    Dash codes

    Hello everyone on my dash trouble code reading on t17 I get t17hc and same on t19 I get t19hc any idea what that means thanks in advance
  8. M

    Fuel pressure regulator

    Hi all I am looking at a new fuel pressure regulator would this be a good one to Get from eBay 0280160592
  9. M


    Dose anyone know where I can get the drivers that stop my mouse going crazy
  10. M


    Hello dose anyone know why my vx diag will not connect to my 2000 vt series 2?