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  1. S

    After market seats

    So drivers seat in my series 1 ute is completely collapsed and broken, seatfoam is dead, side plastic is broken, completley collapses when you sit on it. Have been looking for a replacement seat now for close to 3 months, not sure if a standard ve seat can be adapted to a ute for the flip...
  2. S

    Neglectful owners, now dealing with the brakes

    So slowly working through getting this ute I recently purchased roadworthy again, well its registeed and I drive it still, but 2 steps forward one step back The brakes had not been replaced in a long time , deep grooves, poor pull up when braking and the hand brake was a shocker, so fitted some...
  3. S

    Anyone recognise this part

    Found this behind the drivers seat with the wheel jack and brace, any chance anyone knows what its for. was destined to the bin, but asking just in case its important for some reason
  4. S

    Too many toys, Ve added

    these are my 3 toys, I bought the ve this year, but i bought it to drive through winter, the chev ute is all original which has some down sides eg, vacuum window wipers
  5. S

    Hard lid for ute repair cracked

    Folks, onto the next repair. The hardlid on back of my ute has a crack on the exterior surface that you can open up by hand that is split over a distance of 40cm. The material does not look like fibreglass but a plastic of some form, anyone know what they made these lids out of. It all lines...
  6. S

    4L60E service kit recomendatiom

    Folks, purchased a ve ute few months back and engine died on maiden voyage home Long story short the previous owner did or had from what I understand no servicings carried out on the vehicle and it had 300k on it Want to play it safe and service the transmission in the next few weeks, its an...
  7. S

    Variations within the ly7 v6 motor

    Folks, when i bought a replacement motor for my ute the seller clarified for me as I almost bought a VZ ly7 motor, that I can only run a Ve ly7 motor, the Vz has sub numbers like H7a,H7b,H7c, more out of interest what do these numbers mean. also within the ve ly7, is there sub variants...
  8. S

    Engine lift brackets LY7

    Have seen many people ask on this one and I too was one of those asking a month back The book for engine removal shows the attached drawing The photo is my home made ones, they worked a treat, i welded a couple of 6mm thick scrap pieces of steel to make a T shaped bracket, the hole spacing on...
  9. S

    Engine change, with or without auto transmisison

    Folks, after a catastrophic timing chain failure, have to change the engine ly7 in my ute. Replacement motor has arrived, for those that have done it, is it easier swapping it over with transmission fitted or without Never changed an alloytech motor before, have removed and refitted many a...
  10. S

    Purge valve wiring photo sought

    Ve ute Ly7 motor Folks, would anyone have a photo of the purge valve with wiring fitted, for some reason cannot find the plug that goes into the purge valve, so try8ng to trace the harness it fits too. its posisble as I have never really had the opportunity to drive this ute that its been...
  11. S

    1st day owning Ve and towtrucked home

    Folks, just bought an omega v6 ute today, private sale and unfortunatley broke down on the maiden voyage home, got tow trucked home. Catostrophic failure. So hello and I have a question. Pretty sure timing belt has failed, is there recommended brands of belts etc. My son is an auto mechanic...