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  1. Bulldognz

    Brock motor options

    Morning all, I have a VL brock commodore and thinking about shelving the engine for safe keeping and putting something else in so I can have a bit more performance. My thoughts were originally finding another 304 black engine and then I thought perhaps a VN motor with carby conversion might just...
  2. Bulldognz

    Brock commodore rough idle and hesitant take off

    I believe I have a vacuum leak but appears someone has taken a lot of the polution stuff off or bypassed so I'm not sure what still needs to be there or plugged. I want to make sure I've checked everything before considering taking the inlet manifold off to check the seal. Here's some pics...
  3. Bulldognz

    New VF2 SSV Redline 'StormTrooper'

    Redline finally turned up. I've had it lowered on on king springs, 20 DTM Convexs and Invos. Manual, Blackout option. What a stunning beast. Have put semi slicks on the factory 19s for track days ;)
  4. Bulldognz

    Has anyone done any track work in their VF2 Redline yet?

    I've ordered mine in White and manual as this is my 'play car'. This means I'm planning to do a couple of track days per year and generally enjoy it. I was wondering if anyone had track tested the Brembos...most journos have suggested they stand up well to track abuse with little to no fade...
  5. Bulldognz

    The question again...VF Clubby or VF2 SSV Redline

    At the moment i'm leaning towards the VF2 but welcome people's thoughts. I'm wondering if resale on the VF2 will be better than normal commodores given it's the last and best etc.