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  1. J

    my 1986 vl executive

    I have a 1986 vl executive and Is a very tidy car I'm on my learners but this isn't my first car I also have a vl Berlina that had abit of rust I was going to build it up for my p plates ( got the car for Christmas in 2012) but as my ps get dreadfully closer I was running out of time and had no...
  2. J

    hey guys is it alright to use platinum spaks plugs vs clubsport 5 litre in a holden 253 worried...

    hey guys is it alright to use platinum spaks plugs vs clubsport 5 litre in a holden 253 worried about burning holes in the top of the pistons. can you help?
  3. J

    1987 Holden Berlina

    jaidyn5 submitted a new Showcase Item: 1987 Holden Berlina Read more about this showcase item here...
  4. 1987 Holden Berlina

    1987 Holden Berlina

    1987 Holden Berlina
  5. J

    hey bud you in cairns

    hey bud you in cairns