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  1. RiffRaffMama

    Garden ornament

    240km? That's like 3 days driving where I live. How many things can possibly go wrong in 240km? It wasn't still under warranty?
  2. RiffRaffMama

    Garden ornament

    I think about that when I open the service manual in a car I've just purchased for less than a thousand bucks and see written inside the front cover how much the original owner paid...
  3. RiffRaffMama

    Garden ornament

    Is that your shopping list Fu? To be honest, the part that I like the most is the old school rod holding up the bonnet, because if I have to replace one more set of bonnet struts...
  4. RiffRaffMama

    VT front pass. Door not opening.

    Umm... cool story Bro. Was there a question in there or you just catching us up on how you spent your weekend? I mean, I'm cool either way, it's just odd to see a post that's not a question.
  5. RiffRaffMama

    Coolant Temp sensor. Setting off engine dash fault light

    Well, if that was the only fault code, then apparently, yes. Don't wanna ask the obvious, but do you have enough coolant in it? Watch the precise temp, not the gauge, and see whether it has any weird fluctuations. You activate the precise temp display by holding down the mode and down buttons...
  6. RiffRaffMama

    Garden ornament

    A guy I know is parting out a VN Calais. Most interesting garden ornament I've seen in a while.
  7. RiffRaffMama

    Cannot Unlock VX Commodore

    Thanks for coming back to update. Nothing worse than searching for help with something and not knowing what the solution ended up being because OP never came back to say.
  8. RiffRaffMama

    VU Ute resale value?

    Sorry, thought I sent this the other day. Does the stereo still work or is it coded out? Do you have the code for it? It's often written in the front of the owner manual. It's a very neat interior - it's clearly been kept clean over the years - it's not grimy - I've bought some nasty cars. Work...
  9. RiffRaffMama

    VU Ute resale value?

    Sorry about your father, assuming your parents had you at around the same age mine did, it was too soon for him. You can list the car in more places than just the one. Personally, I'd go with facebook marketplace because it's free and ebay motors over gumtree, because both ebay and gumtree...
  10. RiffRaffMama

    Platinum Cylinder Head Bolts

    Holden used Loctite 609 - the anaerobic one. It cures in the absence of air (the opposite to traditional thread lockers and glues and whatnot), so not until the bolts are screwed in and air can't reach the threads. This is the stuff here. I use it for repairing the captive nuts in laptops, but...
  11. RiffRaffMama

    I brought some rims, wounder what the codes are an hoping they fit my series II vx

    I based my assumption that they were off a VX based on the 00-Jan marking. The 00 is an abbreviation of the year 2000, when they stopped producing the VT and began producing the VX. I think it's fairly safe to assume they weren't still churning out new rims for VTs that late in the game.
  12. RiffRaffMama

    I brought some rims, wounder what the codes are an hoping they fit my series II vx

    Bought. You bought some rims. Bring is to brought as buy is to bought. Also, wonder doesn't have a 'u' in it. That said, a photo would help remarkably, but going by the numbers you've got there, I'd say they're off a VX and they're 15 inch. Provided you have 15 inch wheels on your VX, they will fit.
  13. RiffRaffMama

    VT SS

    That's what I figured, given the nice little Samsung bluetooth setup it has.
  14. RiffRaffMama

    VT SS

    They have different back windows to the each other (different patterns in the demister lines), but I don’t know if that’s related. What makes me think it’s aftermarket is that I own two VTs (a Berlina and an Olympic) and a third VX (it’s an Exec though) and none of them have rear antennas. The...
  15. RiffRaffMama

    VT SS

    I have two identical VX Berlinas and one has a back window aerial and the other doesn’t. I think the one with the rear aerial is aftermarket.
  16. RiffRaffMama

    exterior door trim replacement for 1999vt

    No, I'm more concerned about the implications of the term "windward passage", but I think like a 10 year old a lot.
  17. RiffRaffMama

    exterior door trim replacement for 1999vt

    Oh wow... I've just noticed your street name... that's a hell of a name to have to look people in the eye and say.
  18. RiffRaffMama

    exterior door trim replacement for 1999vt

    I thought she was joking? ....oh wait....
  19. RiffRaffMama


    I hate to be a buzzkill, but you obviously performed zero research on exhausts before you made these decisions, or you'd have not made them. What you've done to your exhaust reminds me of those people who get drunk at parties and agree to let their mate Dylan try out the tattoo kit they bought...
  20. RiffRaffMama

    exterior door trim replacement for 1999vt

    I can sell you some cheap, but they're cracked. (The light/dark colour is just because I thought I'd wash them before taking the photo but then I didn't have the patience to wait until they'd fully dried, so yeah, they're just a bit wet is all. They're a nice even shade of "20 years in the sun...
  21. RiffRaffMama


    My advice is that unless you want to be on a first name basis with the Highway Patrol that you don't make it any louder than it no doubt already is.
  22. RiffRaffMama

    Cluster windows not working

    Did you remove any of the bulbs by any chance? If so, take them back out, turn them 180° and reinsert. Now try.
  23. RiffRaffMama

    Hazard Flasher electrical wiring connection to main harness or loom

    Dude, are you building this car from the ground up or something? You've got so many questions (nothing wrong with that) and they're so varied! Here's just the hazard wiring. I've coloured it in with the colours the wires should be. Hopefully this will help you follow where everything goes...
  24. RiffRaffMama

    VX Calais front end on a WH Statesman?

    What on earth is that website and why are the prices in South African Rand?? As for building Frankencars... I own a VX II Berlina that has been rocking a VX II Exec front for years and due to the fact that there are more kangaroos than replacement Commodore fronts out where I live, my husband...
  25. RiffRaffMama

    Comment by 'RiffRaffMama' in media 'stat1.jpg'

    Yeah, I have one of those and the one time I've ever used it I realised just how ridiculous they are. I was broken down, at night, on the side of the Princes Freeway in Werribee. If you're doing 100km/h at 1am on a stretch of road with no street lights, you're not going to spot a skinny 30cm...
  26. RiffRaffMama

    Poor Low beams WHII

    I just assumed they were meant to be. Mine looked dusty, like baked plastic dusty, not dirt dusty. It's been a few months since I looked, but I swear I remember there being flaky bits of chrome on the inner surface. If I could get them out I would buy some good "mirror finish" type chrome paint...
  27. RiffRaffMama

    Comment by 'RiffRaffMama' in media 'stat1.jpg'

    I'd be happy if just my hubcaps were as clean as those ones. Very pretty.
  28. RiffRaffMama

    2001 vx commodore stalling

    I don't know what they're called, but there's a little tiny tube that connects to the back of the plenum and then to something you need tiny little monkey fingers to reach and it is the bane of my existence because mine periodically comes off at one end and it makes my car run like sh1t...
  29. RiffRaffMama

    Poor Low beams WHII

    I have a VX Berlina and I also have this exact problem. It has been an uphill battle to find a way to get more light out of my low beams and so far I have had little success. I too, tried to remove the stupid reflector things, because I can see that the chrome inside them has crackled off and...
  30. RiffRaffMama

    2001 vx commodore stalling

    Got anything else to go on? When you say "randomly", is there anything that seems to frequently occur at the same time? Like does it tend to happen times when you've been driving for longer than 20 minutes, or the same days you happened to also put petrol in... that sort of thing. Have you...
  31. RiffRaffMama

    Paint stripper for engine covers?

    There's always this option, too.
  32. RiffRaffMama

    Paint stripper for engine covers?

    Have you tried just a Kaarcher? Hit it with the water jet - if there's a bunch of coats, it should come off pretty easily. Failing that, caustic soda doesn't affect plastic. If you want to try something milder - go oven cleaner. If you can't find caustic soda, use draino.
  33. RiffRaffMama

    VT dashboard fascia. Removal.

    I wonder if I could have both V9 and the latest one installed and just manually select V9 to open the file? Off to find a copy of Adobe v9... EDIT: Yes, you can have both installed. You just right click like it says. Just tried it out and you are god, @Lex - it's working beautifully now!
  34. RiffRaffMama

    windscreen washer hoses

    Stuffed if I know. I found the pic on an ebay listing for the hose clips. That's the extent of my knowledge on the subject!
  35. RiffRaffMama

    Similarities between VT etc

    Some things are obvious, like VT and VX tail lights look nothing alike, but they'll both fit either model. Headlights are only interchangeable if you change everything around them too. Some seats have side airbags built in, some don't and while the seats will happily install in either model...
  36. RiffRaffMama

    light in hazard flasher dashboard switch unit.

    Yes, I attempted to change the globe in a hazard flasher switch once. It was like walking through a tunnel blindfolded while juggling pineapples... There were moments of triumph and despair, with a dash of unexpected discoveries thrown in for good measure. If attempted, it's a journey that will...
  37. RiffRaffMama

    VT dashboard fascia. Removal.

    We could always have an expert level championship that involves unplugging as well. A special challenge could involve reinstalling a cluster that has been removed and unplugged, but has come from a car previously owned by a 23 year old bloke with a bunch of aftermarket add-on sh1t like a display...
  38. RiffRaffMama

    VT dashboard fascia. Removal.

    You're right, some of the screw locations are difficult, potentially impossible to get a drill into, but you're also possibly not using a long enough screwdriver bit, and they do make various attachment doovahickeys for accessing awkwardly located screws. This is one I've been considering...