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  1. P

    HBD Sandman canopy

    Does anyone know if there is anyone that still does these Sandman canopy? Im in melbourne, and all companys mentioned don't seemed to be in business, anymore. Bit of a long shot...
  2. P

    VF Panelvan Canopy

    Gday Thread, Bit of a long shot, but do you think anyone still makes these panel van style canopy? Im in melbourne with a VF ute, love the look of a panel van. Cheers
  3. P

    Black Edition SV6 "Sandman"

    Bit of a long shot, but do you know if anyone still makes these panel van campers? Ive got a VF ute, id love to convert and do exactly as you have. I looked up Amcat, but they're permanently closed. Do you know anyone else in melbourne? and also approx. price you paid? Any help would be much...