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  1. M

    cruise active

    These cars are weird
  2. M

    cruise active

    fixed it I was ent going over a spicific speed
  3. M

    cruise active

    I’ll have to check power tommorw and there standed
  4. M

    cruise active

    i have a vident i400au scan tool
  5. M

    cruise active

    I have tested all the bulbs using the mode button thing
  6. M

    cruise active

    Cruise control works
  7. M

    cruise active

    hello all my cruise active light doesn't come on when cruise is active
  8. M

    Globe holders

    Had a look at wreckers website and did it find globe holders but I need 2 types I need t10 and the one for the screen down the bottom
  9. M

    Globe holders

    Hello all where would I get dash globe holders for a vt series 2
  10. M

    Locked out

    Had to shove my arm though that the holes that I drilled where you can put speakers on the back bench
  11. M

    Locked out

    With the old bcm it locks and unlocks
  12. M

    Locked out

    I got back in but now the doors don’t lock or unlock with the new bcm
  13. M

    Locked out

    The key is in the car
  14. M

    Locked out

    Should of but did it think I’d get locked out
  15. M

    Locked out

    Hi all I installed a new bcm yesterday it come with a paired key but now after locking it I can’t get back in
  16. M


    Do you have a dirgram for the bcm
  17. M


    Was it hard to install and how do you like the one you use
  18. M


    Would the remote start on
  19. M


    What alarms would you suggest
  20. M


    Hello all I have been looking at this alarm for a long time would it work https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/2-Way-LCD-Car-Alarm-Remote-Start-and-Siren-Special-Price-/351645112021?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=705-154756-20017-0 Thanks in advance
  21. M

    Starts but stalls

    it started misfiring really bad one injector was soaked in fuel and the rest were carbon fouled this was after driving started doing all of that at the end of the street coming home
  22. M

    Starts but stalls

    one spark plug was soaked in fuel and all the others were carbon fouled i change the injectors and all the spark plugs were carbon fouled
  23. M

    Starts but stalls

    Hello all my vt starts but stalls changed the injectors as one got stuck open
  24. M

    Wet carpet

    Mine doesn’t have a sun roof.
  25. M

    Wet carpet

    Hello everyone the carpet on passenger rear is wet is this a common issue with the Ve thanks in advanced
  26. M

    Dash codes

    No check engine lights or anything like that just wondering what there were
  27. M

    Dash codes

    Now from t09 to t14 it says h-
  28. M

    Dash codes

    I’ve got a vident OBD scanner designed for the car it says there are no bcm codes
  29. M

    Dash codes

    Hello everyone on my dash trouble code reading on t17 I get t17hc and same on t19 I get t19hc any idea what that means thanks in advance
  30. M

    Vz ss abs problems

    Get this scanner will scan the all modules in the car https://www.azscanners.com.au/vident-i400au-obd-aldl-scan-tool-for-holden-profes
  31. M

    Lug Nut Size

    Sorry ignore that wrong car
  32. M

    Lug Nut Size

    Some of my lug nuts are striped dose anyone know where to find 20 lug nuts to replace all of them thanks
  33. M

    Protect your car

    Everyone’s best bet is to install a kill switch at the pcm on the fuel pump wire and hid the switch in a good spot this a great video to show you how it works
  34. M

    Worsening vibration/wobble front end??

    If it dose you have to probably replace the struts
  35. M

    Electrical Issue no clue

    Possibly the main relay In the engine bay just swap it with the horn relay