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  1. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    can't think of anything worse than having a needle stuck in my arm for days on end
  2. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    if a remote doesn't work as well as it did, there's not much you can do to repair it. the likely culprit is corrosion between contact points somewhere along the curcuit board.
  3. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    my gov. went to log into my health record to check some pathology test results & it took forever
  4. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Roadside breakdown service (AAMI) is cheaper than a tow truck, but only if you use it. They helped me thrice in the VS - once for gasoline, once for a non responsive indicator & another time when the technician wacked my tank to diagnose a faulty fuel pump. My car was also towed to the mechanics...
  5. OldBomb

    The Random Thread

    Looks like Christopher Luxon & the New Zealand National party is doing a fantastic job https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-18/nz-unemployment-high-kiwis-coming-to-australia/103791070
  6. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    i read somewhere it was a 25% tariff. can't be bothered looking it up unless it affects me
  7. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Tesla has consistently been the most shorted stock in the US over the last 3 months. yes it's extremely volatile, but there is also no shortage of brokers & clients that are willing to open such contracts. this only adds to the volatility. it's why a company's stock price will easily fall by 10%...
  8. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    idiots will do anything, including crashing tesla stock, to prevent the EV surge. meanwhile they keep pumping crap like afterpay, which is yet to turn a profit. this stinks of dirty money
  9. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    i'm taking medication that's technically for treating depression, but in a low dose of 15mg, does wonders for a good night's sleep. ask your doctor for mirtazapine rather than a benzo
  10. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    have you had chickenpox in the past? i was vaccinated against it, however people that have never caught the virus are at risk of coming down with a chickenpox infection from exposure to shingles
  11. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    my parcel arrived in the mail, from China, 1 week before it was scheduled. try to use Australia post whenever possible
  12. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Fortunately my Mazda happily takes 91. People buying new cars & 4WD's are being forced to pay $2/l for something that would literally cost a fraction of one cent to differentiate
  13. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    All these retailers asking me if I want to donate money to X cause. I'll donate money when 90% of it doesn't go to administration of the charity and/or it isn't used to reduce the company's tax bill.
  14. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    at the moment, i am far better off paying tax as an individual rather than setting up a private entity. If however i was to earn say $200,000, it would make more sense from a tax point to operate as a company. with the new tax rates this changes slightly, but you're still paying $0.37 an...
  15. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    australian markets are struggling right now. if we don't see a bounce in the next week, they could well go into a correctional phase. probably won't happen though as i'm in cash
  16. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    the small amount of super i have has done nothing other than go backwards since changing the investment to "high growth". funds are not performing at the moment
  17. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    double lane roundabouts are the worst. idiots on your left seem to think it's their right to go even though you're smack bang in the middle & indicating to get into the left most lane
  18. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    don't get me started on roundabouts. giving way to cars on your right is NOT a road rule, in all circumstances. you should stop, then give way to ANY vehicle that has entered the intersection. ideally, trafic should flow in an even pattern, 1 car at a time from each juncture/entry point.
  19. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    the same idiots trying to keep fossil fuels alive will be plugging renewables. it's only when they decide it's time to make the investment switch that we will see any real push.
  20. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    I swear, AFL attracts the biggest imbeciles. Driving past Optus stadium last night (Freo Dockers game) & at one of the intersections (with lights, mind you), the lane to turn right is blocked, complete with barriers & witches hats. There's also a mobile sign clearly indicating to drivers 'no...
  21. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Not the point. Someone with specific skills should be allowed to perform their work without having to do other people's jobs. Move the flapping register so it's not next to the coffee machine. Having it there encourages people to go to that particular cash register. This was a place with...
  22. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Order my coffee. Woman that serves me walks off, leaving the barista to try & make coffee as well as serve. The trials & tribulations of getting a morning caffeine hit
  23. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    back to the imbecilic immigration argument, are we? my neighbour is over here from Serbia on a temporary work visa. in between her FIFO shift, she works a second job to pay the rent and save enough money to hopefully gain permanent residency. meanwhile Aussies are too busy whinging about the...
  24. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    for a lot of people, $1500 a month to lease a car is probably cheaper than car loan interest, insurance, maintenance etc (not sure what costs you as an owner have to pay, but there would be some). Many companies won't even touch you unless your "net income" is $80,000+
  25. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    clowns trying to short sell Tesla just got roasted. +13% after hours. what they don't realise is a lot of fund managers want it in their portfolio and at this price, it's a bargain.
  26. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Don't worry, once boofhead Dutton gets in, that'll change! /sarcasm
  27. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    a lot of people i speak to claim they'll never buy an EV, however petrol cars are only getting more expensive, particularly in Australia. eventually, they'll reach parity and it's at that point that buyers will need to decide if the cost of ownership is worth it. At the moment, resale value is...
  28. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    agree, but once it gets to critical point, the US & Europe will just ban Chinese EV's altogether, or they'll introduce ridiculously high tariffs
  29. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    China is already selling more EV's than petrol powered cars. Lucid motors are building EV's that achieve a 500 mile range. that's 800km. this tech, which is only available in their current high end Lucid AIR model, will eventually make its way into more affordable vehicles. p.s for the...
  30. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    these were adults in ther 40's, not highschool students. universities are indeed opening tertiary "colleges" as subsidiaries to their main school. this is merely another step closer to us becoming the 51st official State of America
  31. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    F... me. Australians using the term "college". We have universities & TAFE's, not colleges.
  32. OldBomb

    The Random Thread

    And don't ignorant conservatives hate that it has an Aboriginal name. According to them, it should be called "Alan Bond", or "Christopher Skase" museum, after bankrupted crooks. We now have second generation "Australians" who exhibit the same prejudice their very own parents faced when arriving...
  33. OldBomb

    The Random Thread

    It's hilarious watching Australians trying to blame everything from the economy to inflation on why our tourism sector is sinking into oblivion. While people like our own Hademall are doing the honorable thing, the overwhelming majority of 'Aussies' are opting for overseas holidays. Likewise...
  34. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    pasta shelves were stripped bare at coles. we all know what that means - another price increase to staple items that people rely on for a cheap feed
  35. OldBomb

    The Random Thread

    Bruce Lehrmann lost his defamation case against channel 10 & Lisa Wilkinson. Criminally, he escaped persecution as a rapist, but on on the balance of probability he was found guilty of rape under these proceedings. All in all, the idiot (who brought this all on himself) is totally screwed. His...
  36. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    i've moved to low-carb 3.5% beer & artificial sweeteners in my coffee. still enjoy sugar, but in moderation. sweet fruit is loaded with fructose & results in a sugar spike, at least for me
  37. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    are you diabetic, hademall? if not, quit. right now!
  38. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    expect it to hit $3. like the sugar industry, they know their days are numbered. demand per capita will begin to decline significantly over the next 5-10 years.
  39. OldBomb

    Things that p*** you off/bug you/annoy you

    Idiots who ask for 2 takeaway cups (one inside the other). Bring your own mug if it's too hot
  40. OldBomb

    The Random Thread

    within hours of yesterday's disturbing attack in Bondi, you had conspiracy morons spreading misinformation about it being a terrorist attack by a Muslim. channel 7 even named the attacker, incorrectly. this is the danger of pursuing commentary/opinion instead of factual news.