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  1. Marti_O

    [VF] Add a high tone horn to VF2 (2016+) Commodore/ Calais models

    Just do it, you will like it. Cheap upgrade.
  2. Marti_O

    [VF] Add a high tone horn to VF2 (2016+) Commodore/ Calais models

    Clearly ours never did. So embarrasing before.
  3. Marti_O

    [VF] Add a high tone horn to VF2 (2016+) Commodore/ Calais models

    Well done legend, such a comprehensive set of instructions. Ordered the parts and completed the job in under 1.5 hours. I also removed the wheel to save my knuckles and sanity. Many thanks, I am no longer ashamed of my horn.