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  1. Tree cutter

    Parts availability

    Are spare parts for a VX Calais really getting hard to find nowdays? I decided to get my Calais out of the shed and register and insure it today. When i went to insure it i found out it costs just as much to insure as it did 11 years ago when i first bought it, even though it has dropped $30000...
  2. Tree cutter

    Lack of head room on VZ

    One of my friends has just bought a VZ exec and is complaining about lack of head room in it. The seat is as low as it will go and his head is still almost touching the roof. Also when he gets in the car he has to be careful not to hit the back of his head on the roof. His brother tried to get...
  3. Tree cutter

    Call centre scam

    I had an interesting phone call today from a woman claiming to be from head office of my bank. She said they are working together with the office of fair trading to sort out a problem where the bank had overcharged me, and that my money would be payed back plus 8% interest. She wanted my birth...
  4. Tree cutter

    You tube revenue sharing

    I received an email from youtube yesterday saying that i may be eligable to join their revenue sharing scheme. Has anyone here had any experience with this? They said that one of my videos has been a huge hit with over 15000 views and they would like to use it for advertising purposes globally...
  5. Tree cutter

    Three bits of string

    Three bits of string walk into a bar and ask for three beers. The barman says sorry fellas i am not allowed to serve any alcohol to bits of string. The three bits of string walked outside again and came up with a plan to get served. They tied themselves together and fluffed up their ends and...
  6. Tree cutter

    Parking on wrong side of road

    What is it with people parking on the wrong side of the road so they are facing the oncoming traffic. I just watched my neighbour go to a lot of trouble driving across the wrong side of the road and then reversing up to the front of his place in front of his wifes car that is also on the wrong...
  7. Tree cutter

    Where is it really made

    I just bought a new fuel filter for my VX Calais and found it quite interesting to read on the box that it was a genuine Holden filter made in Great-Britain, but when i opened the box the filter had made in Poland written on it. Does this mean that the box is made in Great-Britain but the filter...
  8. Tree cutter

    Nuisance phone calls

    Since January this year i have been getting calls on my mobile from a private number and as soon as i answer it i get either the engaged signal or it hangs up. Is there any way that i can find out who is calling me so i can either ring them back and tell them to stop calling me or pay them a...