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  1. Grennan

    Demise of the Forum?

    Hes in Federal Parliament, so even if he wasnt useless, anything relating to road safety or how its policied is handled at a State level.
  2. Grennan

    Demise of the Forum?

    Someone raised meets and cruises about 4 pages ago. THis is a very valid point. Victoria used to have one of the largest chapters for meets and cruises. In todays world. We just cannot do that anymore. Its so hard to just have a cruise with how much scrutiny you are under for driving a louder...
  3. Grennan

    Demise of the Forum?

    Facebook groups. Theyre very popular due to the ease to use. You can ask your moronic question and be on your way within seconds. Its easier than using google.
  4. Grennan

    Grennan's G8 SSV Sportswagon!

    I want to do the OTR/Infill panel, fuse box and I want to buy a split engine cover and do that. Black alloy for all the fluid bottles.
  5. Grennan

    what did you do to your car today?

    I installed a new security system in the boot ...and thought id go hit up the Black Spur for some fun before it gets to dank and wet.
  6. Grennan

    Will you still be interested?

    I probably wont be interested in a new Holden if it is the FWD V6 variants we appear to be getting. Older models, look ill still look at them and love them. Although, my interest has been waning for some time. The VE, I love my VE. However the quality just isnt there and its something that has...
  7. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    History, has always been written by the victor. Part of reconciliation is being honest about the past, correct. But from what perspective? From a legal perspective and from the perspective of those who settled the nation, it was a migration and colonization of a land mass that was uncivilized...
  8. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    In my opinion, its these actions that further drive the wedge between the two communities and does far more harm than good.
  9. Grennan

    So I'm abandoning the Commodore family...

    Ive sat in a new Mustang and Camaro and being a 6'5" guy, youd want a targa top/convertible if you wanted any sort of comfort.
  10. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    I just find it humerous that we have this big deal about "invading" Australia. This entire planet has been forged out of conquest and resettlement. So, if you want to call it invasion, who cares and what are you going to do about it? Do countries who lived under the Roman Empire still cry...
  11. Grennan

    So I'm abandoning the Commodore family...

    I personally cannot wait till SRT8s become far more common in a few years.
  12. Grennan

    Driving in Melbourne - WTF?

    Whilst Brisbane may have shithouse drivers (so do we, hello Internationals, have a license) the traffic isnt as bad. It really doesnt help that some ####ing absolute genius (VicRoads and Vic Labor) have scheduled work on the Tullamarine, West Gate and Bolte Bridge all at the exact ####ing time...
  13. Grennan

    Australia’s fastest cop car, $200k Merc GLE63 AMG SUV

    Yeah Vic they arent allowed to pursue anymore. If they dont pull over they just wave goodbye and hope to catch them later down the track. Motorbike rider down here spent months riding past HWP giving them the finger, kicking their cars and then riding off.
  14. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Future ones. Double Dissolution wont happen now, but it comes into action July 1. July 2 could see the election and a few of them removed, but the Ricky Muirs etc will be in there for another 3.
  15. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Senate voting reforms, Australia: Laws passed after marathon debating session Senate reforms got through. Goodbye Micro Parties!
  16. Grennan

    Australia’s fastest cop car, $200k Merc GLE63 AMG SUV

    Thats why I think the 300 SRT8 is probably the best choice. The Stang, is not a roomy car. Even ignoring the 2 Door limitations, the driver and front passenger area is not as open and large as the current Commodore, nor the Chrysler.
  17. Grennan

    Holden to revive Peter Brock’s Director badge

    I agree. However, the MRC upgrade is one of two things on this car that is different about the car. If youre going to ditch it for aftermarket, are those redline brakes and fancy spoiler worth the what, 15-20grand over the standard cost? This is the epitome of cashing in on an old name in...
  18. Grennan

    Australia’s fastest cop car, $200k Merc GLE63 AMG SUV

    There were rumors around the traps that the Stangs were not performing well in Brake tests as well as some of the handling ones. Ive heard it from three very different sources now, although nothing official of course. But theres already been a few spotted in NSWHWP livery being fitted out...
  19. Grennan

    Australia’s fastest cop car, $200k Merc GLE63 AMG SUV

    The Camry will likely be the Maccas Run car. The Mustangs have been performing EXTREMELY poorly in the NSW tests. Theyre also looking at 300's from memory.
  20. Grennan

    Australia’s fastest cop car, $200k Merc GLE63 AMG SUV

    This is funny for two reasons. First. Why do they need a fast car? They cant pursue anymore. So may as well stick them in Astra's like the Plod in the UK. Second, this morning, posing with the very same car. We get this gem of an article: No Cookies | Herald Sun So wait. The fastest, luxury...
  21. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    Melbourne is a giant planning fail at the moment. Tullamarine, Bolte and West Gate, all getting work done, at the same time. Who, in their right mind, thought that was a good idea? Vic Roads Tosser: “We know from previous disruption that some drivers can adjust their behaviour and they do,”...
  22. Grennan

    Holden to revive Peter Brock’s Director badge

    I dont think there was higher rates of failures. Just when something happened to them, they were INSANELY expensive to replace. Its just one of those extra things that can go wrong and when it does, ####s you.
  23. Grennan

    Maybe more money than sense.

    625 bucks for a Walkinshaw Engine cover. Wonder if it retains the factory warranty lolololololol.
  24. Grennan

    Holden to revive Peter Brock’s Director badge

    Line up, Line up! Get your sticker specials! Its a Calais with some redline brakes and a badge. Anyone with a HSV will tell you how much the MRC is to fix when it fails. Using the Peter Brock and Director nametag to flog a few cars off before closure.
  25. Grennan

    Japanese only now starting to admit how bad the meltdown at F ukushima really is.....

    I still think Japan are very highly regarded when it comes to their handling of the situation. They contained it very well given the magnitude of the Tsunami and Earthquake. Its continued to be contained quite well. The only thing that is flawed here is the representative to the Government had...
  26. Grennan

    Japanese only now starting to admit how bad the meltdown at F ukushima really is.....

    So first, Nuclear Power, today, is incredibly safe, considering most plants are still 1960 Era GEN2's theyve come a long way and have been refined really well. Canada has exported some really good technologies as well as the US (### was a US design IIRC). Cost cutting measures, simply do not...
  27. Grennan

    SV6 2006 VE a good first car?

    VZ's had a thicker timing chain and IIRC their service was 10,000km not the VE 15,000 (a dodgy way to make the service life look less on paper). Still have the same issue of sludging up. Theyre just **** engines. 4 or 5" Muffler? 10/10 Top troll.
  28. Grennan

    SV6 2006 VE a good first car?

    Save a couple of grand and get a VZ. Will be much better off than getting a 2006 VE. By the sounds of it you havent done the research and cant afford it. Youre going to buy one and the very next week ask what a stretching timing chain is.
  29. Grennan

    Holden Factory

    We are talking about retaining manufacturing of a particular car here and the longevity of the Commodore. Selling Z160s and Z156s is not going to help retain that model of car into the future. Rolling stock out of the lot does. Yes, its a good supplementary profitable part of the business but...
  30. Grennan

    Holden Factory

    Oh well, that 20 dollar filter will surely keep them afloat. Is that, moderator abuse I see there also? Oh dear.
  31. Grennan

    Holden Factory

    I do find it absolutely hilarious though, the ones who complain the most are the ones rolling around in VL-VX's. Do you think Holden gives a **** about you? Youve probably never brought a brand new Commodore, or will ever buy a brand new Commodore, so youre meaningless to them. You arent a lost...
  32. Grennan

    Holden Factory

    Ill take one of these thanks. You can knock the Asian market if you want, theyre starting to make some good ****.
  33. Grennan

    Is an sv6 fast?

    Mate, Plastidip the whole thing Club VE style. Chuck some Chev Badges on it. 3" Xforce Exhaust. JetPilot/Southern Cross stickers. Tint your tail lights like a knob. It will be the fastest thing on the roads.
  34. Grennan

    Good Freight Companies

    Like I said it was two years ago. So things may have changed with their policy on sending wheels. You said they used TNT, back then they used Startrack so may be a policy with them. If you have an online tool to book and then charge exorbitant amounts to use one of their agents to book for you...
  35. Grennan

    what oil

    If the previous owner used 20-50 id be wondering why. Has he tried to slow down a leaky engine or an engine that is burning oil with thicker grade? Personally, if he told me that id be running for the hills. Alloytecs need good synthetic oil and regular changes. Chances are, if the previous...
  36. Grennan

    Good Freight Companies

    I wont EVER use Pack and Send for car parts again nor will I recommend them to anyone for that purpose. They have an online calculator and a self pack option which is great, they have exceptions though. Now when I used them (bout two years ago) I used the tool. Packed up my wheels, took them...
  37. Grennan

    What deal did you get for your vf series 2????

    Will work exactly the same way as it does now. Holden will still have workshops and dealerships. Workshop carries out work, bills GMH/GMUSA.
  38. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    He mentioned something about Fuel Prices the other month, but yeah so has everyone else for the last 10 years. Does he even still represent the AMEP or did they get in bed with PUP? He tends to just pop his head up once in a while and then go hide again. Some goes for that Liberal Democrats...
  39. Grennan

    VE SS-V beeping at start-up

    You posted that reply last week.
  40. Grennan

    JC Political Thread - For All Things Political Part 2

    No Cookies | Herald Sun Ricky Muir having a woe is me moment. The whole thing reads like a sob story. He speaks of democratic voting etc etc but fails to list how many votes he actually got (0.51% for those playing at home). These microparty Senators have failed to realise, they are...