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  1. Pez

    My VK Project

    i will be when i finish with the 8
  2. Pez

    My VK Project

    haha yeah i dont think i posted when i got it. must of been in hat stage when i didnt come on for ages. got a 308 out of a vl which was an old mans car so wasnt thrashed. some guy wanted to put 6 turbo in it so got it for 350 + case of beam. it was half pulled apart when i got it but all bits...
  3. Pez

    My VK Project

    all central locking is done and wires run. just gotta do a water test to check for leaks then carpet and seats go back in. pulled apart most of the 308 also. still gotta decide what i want to do with it before i take block down to get started. think 355 stroker.
  4. Pez

    My VK Project

    got them all fitted. not to bad when you figure out how to weld them. im looking for these rubber boots to put over wires which comes with new cars so wires dont get damaged.
  5. Pez


    hahaha best call
  6. Pez

    My VK Project

    tonight started fitting actuators took ages. back doors were easy but spent hours on front doors trying to figure it out. ended up taking window out and putting it straight onto lock.
  7. Pez

    my vh wagooon

    very very nice
  8. Pez

    My VK Project

    yeah but like with the whole locking system. if the central locking screwed up you wouldnt be able to get in aye. just wondering because i might do it to mine in a few months
  9. Pez

    My VK Project

    i kinda get it now. still havnt fitted it yet the car got painted tonight so looks like its tomorrows job then fit the car all back up. have you had any trouble with cutting out the locks on yours ari666?
  10. Pez

    My VK Project

    haha yeah reading it dont really get it. but im sure ill understand it a bit more when im putting it all in thanks
  11. Pez

    My VK Project

    im glad its easy than. im going to hook it all up tonight looks pretty easy with the bullet connections.
  12. Pez

    My VK Project

    Just went down to jaycar and got central locking kit and a remote also. hope it goes alright. no more scratching paint from missing the lock at night. ganna hook it up tomorrow or wednesday shouldnt take to long
  13. Pez

    my VK Project

    why do you like chasers so much they look crap
  14. Pez

    My VK Project

    Yeah no point half arse doing it just ganna pop back out in a month if its not done properly. yeah looked into it it is a bit of work so not ganna bother. just gotta get new gearbox but. wontder if the v6 4 speeds will fit. yeah my bad. must of been a bit tired when uploading. yeah the...
  15. Pez

    My VK Project

    how do you guys feel about celica 5 speed gearbox conversions. just considering doing it.
  16. Pez

    My VK Project

    Cut all rust out now found some more but all cut out need to weld plates in tomoz Here are some pics sorry about rotation
  17. Pez

    My VK Project

    yeah ill get some this arvo when i take rest of interior out. its only passenger side. dont know how we missed it when we did retrim
  18. Pez

    My VK Project

    spans across the whole floor and probably 10 - 15cm the otherway
  19. Pez

    My VK Project

    took seat and carpet out today to fix the rust patch. turns out its alot bigger than first expected. not to happy ha
  20. Pez

    My VK Project

    its goes pretty good with a bit of work done to it. still need to sort out a few little bugs but should workout all good
  21. Pez

    My VK Project

    got her back 3 days ago all going good except today starter went. there is a rust patch in the passenger floor so this week ganna take seats and carpet out to fix that. While carpet and seats are out im going to run cable for battery in the boot so hopefully by next week should have that in...
  22. Pez

    My VK Project

    All Back together. just gotta line bonnet back up and give her a detail. Engine bay is still messy.. stuff everywhere
  23. Pez

    efi vk.

    paint job looks mad
  24. Pez

    My VK Project

    got her started today.. pretty happy still need to put some bits and pieces back together should have it back early next week. Also the tapping noise from the engine is gone... so happy about that now its all exhaust haha
  25. Pez

    My VK Project

    yeah i know. its hard to make it look good because its hard to make it look tidy i think. my engines getting dropped back in today
  26. Pez

    My VK Project

    haha kinda man.. well im lucky because my dad has a panel beating business and has a mechanic that works there so hes doing most of the taking apart and putting back together. just take photos before you take it out so you have something to work from.
  27. Pez

    Long Time No See.

    Black carpet and headlining get off ebay. looks pretty good. thats how i did the black interior in my vk. as for seats just go to an upholster and get them to do them. cost me around a grand for the seats.
  28. Pez

    My New 202 for my VK

    Got my 202 rebuild. bored out to 208, stage 1 cam... havnt done rockers yet but ill do them when i get some more money. here are some pictures. let us know what you think.
  29. Pez

    my VK Project

    i dont think he really know what he wants to do
  30. Pez

    my VK Project

    yeah almost same colour..............................................................................
  31. Pez

    My VK Project

    i feel asthough it was a good idea to go from red to green
  32. Pez

    my VK Project

    haha signature worthy
  33. Pez

    My VK Project

    The disc brake diff to go in. painted brake calipers red also. looks pretty good with the darker rims
  34. Pez

    My VK Project

    Picture didnt work before. painted the red bits green now
  35. Pez

    My VK Project

    to be honest i dont know how much it has cost yet. ill let you know when i do. painted covers red got them back on but think im ganna do them green same as car. heres a picture as red
  36. Pez

    My VK Project

    Havnt been on here for a while.. Decided to rebuild the 202. pulled it all down bored it to a 208 and a stage 1 cam. should go alright when its back in. Should be going back together this week so should have it back on the road. Also got a disk brake diff which i painted but its not lsd...
  37. Pez

    My VK Project

    nah not putting efi in it. just a vl 308
  38. Pez

    My VK Project

    Have to take my baby off the road. engine is stuffed and i dont want to spend money to get it fixed. would rather put money into the 8. :(
  39. Pez

    My VK Project

    nah i dont really man.. all the ones i got are in this thread. when i got it i was just going to give it a quick respray same colour then when it was under primer decided to do colour change and chose that one so not many pictures really.. i wish i took some but i guess i didnt know it was ganna...
  40. Pez

    Vk diffs

    nah i got vl 308 for it hahaha was a good buy so i grabbed it.. so even if its not a LSD it should be fine with just some mild engine work..