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  1. S

    tailshaft problems????

    yea thats what i meant lol 1 of the balls out of the bearing was missing when i took it apart and the bearing casing is broken a bit
  2. S

    tailshaft problems????

    hey guys i just pulled my tailshaft out to replace the cetre bearing and when i pulled it apart i replaced the rubber mount bearing but there is another big bearing right where the join is on the inside and its screwed so i want to replace it but none of the regular parts dealers have it. can...
  3. S

    tuning for a vn 5.0L in queensland??

    hey guys iv got a vn ss 5.0L in need of a tune in brisbane. where is the best place thats not over priced??
  4. S

    clutch problems??? HELP.

    ok cool thanks looks like its comming back out again lol
  5. S

    NPC Clutch not disengaging, T5

    hey guys iv got a problem with the clutch in my vn ss. with the cable adjusted all the way im still only getting half a pedal??? any ideas??
  6. S

    clutch problems??? HELP.

    hey guys. im having some problems with the clutch on my vn ss. it has a new clutch and cable and throw out bearing but when fully adjusted it still only has half a pedal. clutch was replaced before i got the car but not put back together so im not sure if there is anything missing or not.
  7. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    yea i pulled the injectors out and they were rusty in the spray heads so replaced them and everything is perfect now
  8. S

    which wires do i bridge to do the timing on a vn ss?

    thanks soo much thats exactly what i needed.
  9. S

    which wires do i bridge to do the timing on a vn ss?

    hey guys just got my car running but needs the timing done and iv been told that u need to bridge 2 wires somewhere to do it. can anyone tell me which 2 wires and where the plug is located??
  10. S

    HELP!!!! vn ss 304... no spark

    i found the problem thanks guys. i put a new distributor in and the wire plug had come off after i had clipped it on. thanks for everyones help.
  11. S

    HELP!!!! vn ss 304... no spark

    yea i have mounted it on the firewall now but i checked that its still earthing there. thanks
  12. S

    HELP!!!! vn ss 304... no spark

    where can i get one of those from?
  13. S

    HELP!!!! vn ss 304... no spark

    hey guys i pulled my motor out and stripped it down to freshen it up now put everything back in and i have no spark coming from my coil now?? im not sure if i havnt connected an earth or wired the coil properly or anything like that so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
  14. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    thanks guys il check it all out
  15. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    where is the map sensor located?? iv only just got the car and never had a commodore before.
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    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    is there any way to clean and recondition them or just replace them??
  17. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    theres only 1 fuel pump in the tank and thats it. is there supposed to be another 1?
  18. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    ok cool thanks mate il look at that. and yea the problems were there before
  19. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    as soon as u try to rev it starts to muffle and then cut out
  20. S

    HELP!!! vn ss running rough

    hey guys i just got a vn ss and its running a lil rough on idle but it wont rev?? any suggestions? already changed the plugs,leads,cap and rotor. please help
  21. S

    Checking your Computer for Faults (VN - VP)

    is there any way to adjust the timing on a vn 5 litre?? mine is idling a lil rough but it wont rev. it just dies as soon as u try to rev??