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ve waterpump

  1. G

    Overheating with ticketing sound while idling.

    Hey guys. My MY9.5 SS commodore has been having issues with overheating recently. Discovered it was a leak in my bottom coolant hose which is now fixed. There’s also a very small leak in my coolant hose connected to the AC which bleeds into my passenger footwell, but it’s very minor. Been a...
  2. Fu Manchu

    [VZ] VZ VE VF Alloytec Cooling System Repairs

    Helpful basic overview: The following is for both VZ and VE and VF Alloytec motors. The first part of this is on my VZ. Opened the bonnet only to discover a fine line of pink spray from the dry red coolant, all across the engine bay. Lucky to catch it before it let go all together, and no...