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  • Hi mate,
    thanks for your help. I put the lock down with a little screw-driver.
    After that I could slid the barrel right in and immediate heard a click.
    Now it is all working properly again!
    In the hole where the barrel goes you have to move a part in there so it clicks and then the barrel will click in. It is very hard to explain but just get a small screw driver or something into to housing that the barrel goes in and start moving things in there until you find something that clicks when you move it. Like I said it's very hard to explain.
    Dammit, just after I send this message I read again some stuff and gave it another go.
    I finally could put it in the power position but just before I slid it in, I put the steering wheel on lock.
    I almost have the barrel inthere now, except I don't here the click.
    Do I just f'ed it up by blocking the access with the steering lock?!
    Is there a way to unlock again?
    Looking forward for your help...
    Hey Accentstencil,

    After hot-wiring my car for a few weeks I finally got the new ignition barrel.
    As I read on the forum put a wire in the key-lock hole and switch the key to the on-position.
    Now I want to put new ignition barrel in the shaft but it blocks as soon as the steer-lock enters the shaft. I've tried to turn the key, doesn't work and I tried to put a screw-driver along while I slide it in?
    Do you have any other sugesttions?
    I will replace the SLS with standard shocks.
    Please let me know if you are interested to buy one as a spare as you mentioned earlier.
    Thanks for your contribution to the forum.
    also if the battery in the key is low the ignition can play up and present the symptoms you have mentioned
    I would normally say get the battery checked but since you have replaced that I would suggest that it might be that the starter motor is cactus. Which relay is the one that caused the problem in the first place?
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