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  • Hi Mate,

    Yes. That is correct. AFM is still enabled.
    Welcome anytime, just let me know when. Should be home most of the long weekend.
    Call me if you like, 0427 710 057.


    I just saw your reply...thank you for getting back to me. I would appreciate a listen if thats ok. Not sure if you saw my number on my first pm. When you say drone..is it because afm is still enabled?
    Hi Larry,

    They do still have a small amount of drone, but we have got used to it now.
    Speaking with the owner of Rapid Exhaust, he said that these can still be used with other exhausts, and cut out the drone on them.

    When I spoke with him about the light drone, he suggested to place a blanket under the spare wheel. This helped a little bit, but I might try some dynamat one day.

    I am in Traralgon, 3844, if you would like to have a listen.

    Gday mate

    My name is Larry and I see you got the marriage savers on your auto ss. Ive got a Calais V redline and recently put a cat back, sounds nice and all BUT they have that boomy droney sound when driving inner city when lightly throttling between 1500 to 2000 rpm. Do these marriage savers solve the issue? My gut feeling says they do as they look like they have the helzhom resonators in place which greatly reduce the frequency that causes drone/boom.
    Im in Victoria as well and would be keen to meet up and listen to them if that is ok. I am happy to drive up your way. My number is 0488 004 047
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