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  • no probs mate, yeah the M20 was released in both the 4.2L and 6cyl engines. The 6cyl had a different input shaft though, so they aren't interchangeable without modification

    the only difference between the V8 M20 & M21 is the ratios
    thanks for the fill in on the m20 do u know if they came out as a 6 cylinder version
    unfortunately I'm not much up on carpet stains. I've left my 30 year old orange carpet in the house while I renovate so I didn't have to worry about plaster, paint etc getting onto the carpet. I've got plaster and paint spots all over the carpet at the moment! Sorry I couldn't be of assistance!
    hope you dont mind, its not about cars so I may get shot lol .I noticed on your profile that you renovate. Do you know if theres anyway to get a concrete stain out of carpet thats settled in ? bloody spinners did my bathroom and got concrete on my carpet...now I have this stain...sorry I know this is random but its bugging me. Its ok if you dont want to answer no offence taken :) ta.
    hey darren have you got your ac sorted yet?? reading one of your posts made me realise i have to put a tx valve on my system!! ive done the same conversion. vr 5L efi into my vk calais, and just plumbed all my lines up to the compressor,thinking that the vk system had a inline orifus tube in it , but if it ran on r12 it wont will it??? what sort of tx do we have to use??
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