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  • Hi Smitty. Does your becoming a moderator have any bearing on the closure of AV8? Is all that good stuff from AV8 coming to Just Commodore or perhaps some sort of amalgamation?

    Regards Keith.
    Hi Smity,
    I seen your post about the LSA Crate motor, could you please inbox me interested in this.

    Smitty how r u i have same bracket as ur race car how do u stop deflecting alternator using gilmer i cant work it out my belt walks forward and frays edge please tell me its easy
    Hi mate, seems you are the bloke to ask about rochester quaddies.

    Just need to know what emissions gear is req. for roadworthy on a 1979 5L VB Commie? I have to go thru both RTA Emissions Testing and EPA Testing and Inspection to get a bloody red sticker defect notice cleared before re-rego... :(

    Also the quaddie I have was taken off a 308 VK, but it is now running in a 308 VB, so there are a heap of extra vac ports i am unsure of on both front and back of the carby. Do you have a diagram that labels which port is which, or know where i can find one?? Iv come across a couple of diagrams but none of the ones i have found have anything labelled!

    Any help would be VERY much appreciated coz the amount of conflicting rubbish i hav found and been told by so many different people now has me confused as $#!+ ...

    Many thanks in advance, Justin.
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