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  • i can customize bodykits yeah but havent made a mould yet, pretty much cutting up a body kit glassing it up sanding back and what not, re-inforce with wire....havent met anyone who makes moulds, its a tuff job, glassing is annoying at the most but ya get over it
    yeah bud . just asked grennan if he could please remove it, glad all is sorted, just gotta paint the whole car now
    read the thread about you calling me a scammer mate. its all in there. get your facts right before laying down accusations like that
    lol random much ay! hahah rossy said he wasnt to keen on the conversion as he had a bit of trouble with the other ones he did...ended up taking him a few weeks for his cars!
    hay dude. how much for the whole conversion kit. didnt know how much to offer coz you might not like it . so you name your price
    your inbox is full so had to post here, money transferred you should receive it in a day or so, sorry about the delay have been flat out with work
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