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  • Hi.. new to all this..Washed my VK was idling then just stopped.. Cranks fine v strong.. Power to coil and out high tension..
    any help be great .. sick of being ripped off by mechanics.. (no offence intended) Thanx Michael
    Hey Scott,
    Thanx for the advice, yeah the plastic upper housing for the motor assembly is buggered, the later ones were all metal which fixed the problem. Ultimately finding one of these is what I'm after but if someone can repair my old one, that would be ok as well. Do you know someone who is a guru at this kind of thing?

    sorry never took spring mounting pics car is burried in the shed atm, they do come with instructions on mounting though.

    The GENUINE springs are mounted as follows LHS - bolt in the hole in the boot hinge, other end into the spare wheel strap retaining bracket RHS you pop rivit the spring retaining bracket into the boot lip with supplied pop rivits (they were small and squashed flat) the same dstance back as the boot strap bracket and fit a bolt to the boot hinge andclip the springs ontot he bolts.

    hey mate, i saw your post about the vk hdt springs fitted to bootlids with spoilers so they will stay up. do you happen to have a photo of them fitted to the car cos i would like to fit them to mine as i have a spoiler but the bootlid wont stay up and dont know how it fits?
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