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  1. R

    Fuel Injectors

    Thank you to all for providing good information. Replacing them next week.
  2. R

    Fuel Injectors

    Thank you. That clears up a lot
  3. R

    Fuel Injectors

    Thank you for the info.
  4. R

    Fuel Injectors

    Can anyone advise what the difference is between a $1100.00 set of injectors and a $99.00 set. Both seem to have the same performance criteria. Any advise will be good.
  5. R

    Fuel Injectors V6 Supercharged

    Can anyone advise what the difference is between a $1100.00 set of injectors and a $99.00 set. Both seem to have the same performance criteria. Any advise will be good.
  6. R

    Fuel System Supercharged V6

    Thank you I thought that might be the case but just wanted to check. Cheers
  7. R

    Fuel System Supercharged V6

    Do you have any photo's so were know what the Plumbing looks like your asking about ? As there many MANY Pipes/Hoses under a Super6 Bonnet. Hi Photo's below. I have checked pictures of engine bays and it dose appear that the bottom hose should go across to rear of the engine.
  8. R

    Fuel System Supercharged V6

    Hi this might be common knowledge but I have what looks like a breather return the comes from just below the fuel lines into the engine bay. It runs down the front of the brake booster and finishes. On the rear of the RHbank of the motor there is a vacuum connection that has an open vent and a...
  9. R

    2001 Commodore using water !!

    Thanks for the run down on doing the job. It will help a lot. Cheers
  10. R

    2001 Commodore using water !!

    Hi All My first post. I am currently replacing my inlet manifold gaskets due to missing water. As you have done them before do you use sealant on the plastic gaskets ? V6 Supercharged