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  1. K

    country pack

    Oh, found in another thread, STD struts are fine,
  2. K

    country pack

    Bump, looking at doing this to my ’04, VY wagon, as I’m sure the original suspension has sagged. Repco sell King springs at a raised height but I cannot find struts to suit. Do they just use the standard struts?
  3. K

    Drivers front seat base foam

    Wreckers wanted $100, fir each seat. The foam and glue will be less than $60. The process to swap the base foam to the drivers side gets me to where the foam needs replacing so as I’m handy with such things, going to put some new foam in, and add to it to make it firmer.
  4. K

    [VY] Cleaning VY air conditioning evaporator without removing dash

    Tip, a very hot Stanley knife blade will carve a rectangular hole in the plastic without going too deep and risking damage to the cores. Worked for me, and thanks for posting this thread.
  5. K

    Budget seat pad repair - Series 2 VE SV6 Driver seat.

    Found this clip on good old U-toob, shows the how to with the seat foam! https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjw-qPs1aaAAxXLg1YBHRrpBboQwqsBegQIERAG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DypJ7qV08fDg&usg=AOvVaw0ZYxpmESzZfANUykrM52pI&opi=89978449
  6. K

    Drivers front seat base foam

    This clip is informal, going to give it a go as finding a used seat with good foam is nea impossible, and you only get foam that’s already 18 years old...
  7. K

    [VY] Cleaning VY air conditioning evaporator without removing dash

    Glad to have info like this to go on. i used a Dremel style Tool to make the rectangular holes, and also removed the sensor to gain access to the evaporator. Using a spray bottle, dampened the furry type stuff that completely clogged the cores, and with a small wire brush, modified , bent up at...
  8. K

    Radio comes back on after locking car.

    Thanks, and after doing this task there hasnt been any issues since, good so far
  9. K

    Radio comes back on after locking car.

    2004 VY Wagon. Hi, An intermittent fault, 1, when stopped and turned off, then remove key and open the door, the radio turns off, then when I get out n lock the door the radio comes back on, This has happened on and off for a few years, and seems to occur more in cooler weather. I’m hoping it’s...