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How's your back? I've got trapped nerves due to being out of shape again disc issues and an unlevel hip. Due to my back issues I have them still when I'm skinny I have to be training my lower back so the muscle keeps it inline.

If you get any lower back pain or numbness I'd look into a chiro that does spinal nerve testing. When I first went only 30% of the nerves had satisfactory communication 50% didn't work at all and 20% were below standard communication.

I'd been to physios and doctors for years over it as out of nowhere I get rib and chest cramps and spasms. To the point I struggle to breathe or stand.

It's the only thing that's helped over the past 8 years .


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Alexandra Headland Qld
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How's your back? I've got trapped nerves due to being out of shape again disc issues and an unlevel hip. Due to my back issues I have them still when I'm skinny I have to be training my lower back so the muscle keeps it inline.

If you get any lower back pain or numbness I'd look into a chiro that does spinal nerve testing. When I first went only 30% of the nerves had satisfactory communication 50% didn't work at all and 20% were below standard communication.

I'd been to physios and doctors for years over it as out of nowhere I get rib and chest cramps and spasms. To the point I struggle to breathe or stand.

It's the only thing that's helped over the past 8 years .
I feel your pain.
I went to my first Chiro in 1980 and stayed with him until he died early/mid 90's
Sometimes more than once a week as necessary.

I have had quite a few Chiros since then but I have now found a Physio ( I had no faith in Physios before this) and he actually works one on one for 1/2 hour, and my Partner goes to him a s well.
In fact now I have the Physio (Murray Chalice Mountain Creek Physio) I don't go near Chiros, but of course apples for apples, if it works for you then don't stop.
He has also managed to fix my neck which all Chiros were unable to do since 1982..

You mention chest pain and this is usually caused by your spine around what is called T 12 vertebrae, and yes, sometimes hard to breathe and also very painful. Been there done that.
This problem has often been missdiagnosed by the Health Industry as Heart attack but not in my case although I now have a heart valve compliments of a pig, along with a pace maker fitted in 2018.

My partner broke her back in her late 30's so a few years ago I put her onto my Spinal Surgeon and he fixed that with similar rods and screws to my spine, but when she starts to get pain in the back I place her face down on the bed and check the length of her legs at the ankle bone, and whichever is shorter than the other I give it a reasonable pull with a small towel around her ankle, and usually a couple of hours later she is fine.
It is always good to have both legs the same length otherwise back pain is usually unavoidable.

I also have an inversion machine on which I hang from the feet when needed which is rare these days.

As to hips, well, I have a new right hip 14 months ago as well as 2 new knees a 5-6 years ago, the results of working too hard too stupid as a youngster.

Hope this helps.
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vc commodore

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I have suffered from lower back pain for many years.....It was discovered by a chiro that I have a cirveture of the spine at the base....My temporary relief is to grab something above my head and hang....

I also suffer from cyatica....(think that's the spelling)....So getting up, even with the leg cramps to stretch out results in walking on egg shells....Not a pleasent feeling I can assure you....But I have learnt to live with these problems....

On the flip side, yesterday I had 3 cups of coffee and about 3 litres of water....Didn't go outside in the heat to sweat....Didn't put any salt on or in my food.....End result was, a night without cramps....:D

So I'm considering just adding a little salt in with my food when cooking, rather than adding in with the cook and when dished up.....Cut back on soft drinks....I have about a litre of soft drink about every 2 days....Trying crampeze and magnesium....Each of these things will be tried individually to see which item/s work the best and post results up....Gives people a chance to make their own choice what might work for themselves....


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2011
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Alexandra Headland Qld
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I have suffered from lower back pain for many years.....It was discovered by a chiro that I have a cirveture of the spine at the base....My temporary relief is to grab something above my head and hang....

I also suffer from cyatica....(think that's the spelling)....So getting up, even with the leg cramps to stretch out results in walking on egg shells....Not a pleasent feeling I can assure you....But I have learnt to live with these problems....

On the flip side, yesterday I had 3 cups of coffee and about 3 litres of water....Didn't go outside in the heat to sweat....Didn't put any salt on or in my food.....End result was, a night without cramps....:D

So I'm considering just adding a little salt in with my food when cooking, rather than adding in with the cook and when dished up.....Cut back on soft drinks....I have about a litre of soft drink about every 2 days....Trying crampeze and magnesium....Each of these things will be tried individually to see which item/s work the best and post results up....Gives people a chance to make their own choice what might work for themselves....
I started getting cramps in my 40's middle of the night so I would simply throw the salt shaker down the throat and wash it down with a gulp of water.
Told the Doctor at the time and although he advised against lots of salt told me if I was having no other salt then a gulp was ok but I have not needed to do that in many years.
I don't drink soft drink but I do like my 3 cans of beer a day along with the odd scotch or 2 at dinner.
I use heaps of ice as well as soda water in the Chivas.

Coffee and tea are a good diuretic.
I have for many years taken 5ml's of concentrated celery juice extract (chemist issue good for arthritis and kidney flush) but the useless Chemist Warehouse locally claims they can't get it anymore since my neighbour who worked for them left
and the Naturopath variety is not as good and also 50% more in cost..


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Jul 28, 2018
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I feel your pain.
I went to my first Chiro in 1980 and stayed with him until he died early/mid 90's
Sometimes more than once a week as necessary.

I have had quite a few Chiros since then but I have now found a Physio ( I had no faith in Physios before this) and he actually works one on one for 1/2 hour, and my Partner goes to him a s well.
In fact now I have the Physio (Murray Chalice Mountain Creek Physio) I don't go near Chiros, but of course apples for apples, if it works for you then don't stop.
He has also managed to fix my neck which all Chiros were unable to do since 1982..

You mention chest pain and this is usually caused by your spine around what is called T 12 vertebrae, and yes, sometimes hard to breathe and also very painful. Been there done that.
This problem has often been missdiagnosed by the Health Industry as Heart attack but not in my case although I now have a heart valve compliments of a pig, along with a pace maker fitted in 2018.

My partner broke her back in her late 30's so a few years ago I put her onto my Spinal Surgeon and he fixed that with similar rods and screws to my spine, but when she starts to get pain in the back I place her face down on the bed and check the length of her legs at the ankle bone, and whichever is shorter than the other I give it a reasonable pull with a small towel around her ankle, and usually a couple of hours later she is fine.
It is always good to have both legs the same length otherwise back pain is usually unavoidable.

I also have an inversion machine on which I hang from the feet when needed which is rare these days.

As to hips, well, I have a new right hip 14 months ago as well as 2 new knees a 5-6 years ago, the results of working too hard too stupid as a youngster.

Hope this helps.
Wow I will not complain about my ailments too much other than to say I broke my right tibia and fibula pretty badly 42 years ago now and had to have an eight inch plate screwed to my right leg bones to hold them together. I ended up with nerve damage and with my right leg being nearly an inch shorter than the left. Result, a crooked spine. I’ve always done stomach exercises to strengthen the muscles that protect the spine. But yes, back problems are a bit of a nightmare.
I admire your dedication towards your partner and your tenacity to get through those things that are sent to try us. Thumbs up.
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Jul 28, 2018
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We should have a “Whinge about our ailments” thread.
Begs the question, do you feel better for whinging about it?:)

vc commodore

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Thought I'd update this thread in the hope it may help others....

Since my last update, all I have done is cut out the added salt on my tea once it has been served up.....I have also started drinking a bit of water prior to heading off to bed and as luck would have it, no cramps since this change in habits....

So I could thank @keith reed for his input with this thread, as that was one thing he suggested.....

IMA, the fact I am now having a large cup of water prior to going to bed is resulting in waking up during the night for nature, but at least the cramps aren't waking me...:)

Fingers crossed this change has solved my cramps...If not, there are still other suggestions I can try in the hope it solves it...:)