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Solomon Islands and China, Will this end up in Tears?


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Mar 9, 2016
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This will end up with tears like the thread title and I have been saying this for a while. This series of mini sats are nothing compare what a Fixed Geo-stationery communication Satellite can do with spying capabilities. No one, I say again no one knows the Pay Load on this Satellite that I have been Monitoring. The Yanks are guessing whats in it. Anyhow I will be busy this weekend doing my own Spying.
I was very surprised that there was nothing about this on our usual news services here in Australia. I suspect to see here something about the Minny sats buzzing over east coast of Australia.


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At this time, no country that I'm aware off has taken out another countries spy satellites in orbit.
If any country does blow up any Satellite in geostationary position it will start a chain reaction on all satellites in geostationary position. It will be disastrous.


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I have been keeping a eye on Satellite Channel EMTV (Papua New Guinea) found on Intelsat 19 3882V and I see a few Chinese hanging around shaking hands and other and I say what are they up too, they must want something to be there. I do know they were sniffing around 6 months ago before the riot PNG had there. Maybe the Chinese want to join the NRL by have a team based there. Naaaaa. One of the dudes( PS: they all look the Same) looked similar to the dude that Premier Daniel Andrews had in Victoria before the Belt and Road Initiative that the Fed Government axed.

VS 5.0

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I have been keeping a eye on Satellite Channel EMTV (Papua New Guinea) found on Intelsat 19 3882V and I see a few Chinese hanging around shaking hands and other and I say what are they up too, they must want something to be there. I do know they were sniffing around 6 months ago before the riot PNG had there. Maybe the Chinese want to join the NRL by have a team based there. Naaaaa. One of the dudes( PS: they all look the Same) looked similar to the dude that Premier Daniel Andrews had in Victoria before the Belt and Road Initiative that the Fed Government axed.

While two faced Marape addressed the Austalian parliament this week.


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Mar 9, 2016
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While two faced Marape addressed the Austalian parliament this week.
Here in OZ........Yeah did not know this, I spent to much time looking outside Australia. Was it in a show or the News or other. I tried with difficultly to translate PNG to English. Get only 50% of the Word. Do you think he is Corrupt and person that Australia can't trust. I know Sweet F all about him.

VS 5.0

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Mar 9, 2016
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WN Caprice V 6.0L, VE Anniversity V6 Series 1
It has come to my attention the China wants to lease parts off or buy outright NEW CALEDONIA. as there new South Pacific base.
Not long ago China President Xi Jinping Visited France and no doubt reminded France President about the FAILED Submarines that Australia walked out of the deal that left France President Macron the way he feels about Australia. I cannot prove it but there is a lot of chatter on Chinese Satellites and the Reason why China need to have a lease or something bigger and better than a lease and thus a Island.
I have spoken about China having a Satellite Chinasat 19 @ 163 Degrees East where most will look at this new sat that cost millions that has no DVB Compliance Transponder on it as if you do a search on this Satellite nothing come up ." its only a communication Satellite Been there from 5/11/2022.

Yes they say the Satellite is for shipping and planes using KA Not Ku band. Yes this could be true but know one knows what the other transponder are doing possible spying on Australia and the US. I know they are using this Satellite for there South Pole Base that China has.
This Satellite parked at 163 Longitude Deg East where at the same time NEW CALEDONIA is 165.61 Longitude Deg East that means the Dish can be looking straight up only 2.6 degrees facing east and have a elevation of 20.9 Deg south. that bulls eye for China. Remember the Islands east of New Caledonia is Vanuatu that have sign up with China.

I have said before about 2 or more months ago China has 50,,000 Communist Party member living here in Australia where about 2000 of them are sleepers and when WAR Breaks out between the US and China they will automatically become ACTIVE where at least 2000 of them that have strong attachment to the CCCP and this will cause issue here in Australia mainly the south east (Brisbane and the Gold Coast) no unless all these party members are arrested and stuck in a slammer.
If War Breaks out and if China has a base in NEW CALEDONIA leased or bought outright (It will takes years to do this) or in Solomons Island we will have issies living in the South East of Queensland.
By the way my new Sat System is up and running and need to program at least 8 more Satellites to add and search in my system. This should be done by tomorrow. hope so, also need a spare 9000+ euro to buy this new receiver that searches for non DVB Compliant transponders. Yes not made in china, euro job $$$$$$.


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Mar 9, 2016
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WN Caprice V 6.0L, VE Anniversity V6 Series 1
I want the smart one to work out in English from Chinese what does BingQikeji Stand for.
W...... T......... E..........

Yes the Chinese are 100 time smarter than the fools we have in our Parliament. I like this channel as I get it for the First time in my Computer room and at the same time I get it in our Main TV Satellite Room on a 85 inch Sony TV while I'm eating and drinking a cup of tea . Also I wonder if our brass are watching this channel too. Narrrrrrr because there are too stupid. I have blank out parts of this photo because they are sensitive

You can watch the Below Photo on the News tonight (30/05/2024) because China President Xi is telling the World mainly the Arab Countries WE WANT PEACE NOT WAR!!!. On Satellite Asiasat 5 100 Deg East. FEED Reuters


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Mar 9, 2016
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I have noticed when I add something bad all members scat, lol,lol,lol I cant stop what going to happen, I live in Brisbane so I will be one to be more effected then members in Hobart or in Adelaide or even Perth.
As you might no know well you should know by now as I reported this about the Communist Spies that report on anything to their bosses that happening in Australia 6 months ago ( I said 50,000 the Papers said 1200, maybe the CCP was boasting) and this week this was plastered on the front page of a news paper so I say they must know me by now because of the info that I have made public and the things that I have talking about + the pollie that I was feeding this too. Maybe they think I'm in their head.
I have done this on another forum and heavenly criticized by new members yes new members, NOT EXISTING MEMBERS, LICK, LICK,LICK then send the link to their bosses showing the work they are doing for CCP by criticism me so I want to see if they follow me on this forum but so far none. maybe I show bate them so member that knows me on the JC forum for at least 10 years or more I have been on this forum they will find a NEW Member (maybe Admin will tell me this) on JC that has added the minimum useless post count so he can PM me and tell me what to do.
For this mess that Australia is in now I totally blame the Politicians in this country because when war breaks out that after July 2027 we won't be like Ukraine when Putin said Ukraine will fold in two weeks of fighting but Australia will as I can see in my eyes when I'm trying to sleep our PM he will say SURRENDER,SURRENDER to our Woke Army that has limited weapons, the worse ever amount of young people on all the Forces, total 84,865. All the pollies think about is STAYING IN POWER AT THE EXPENSE OF THE COUNTRY

Australian Public has been decimated by owning any weapons, The lot of them (premiers) find any reason to disarm you so we in Australia are easy picking.
The CCP already knows who has what and they know they can come to your door and you cant greet them with a high power gun.
Just Image if this happened in the US, THERE ARE MORE HIGH POWERED GUNS then people in United States America so I say keep away from the US.
The Fool our Defense Minister Richard Marles said on the News the Enemy will never come in Australia because all WARS will be thought out in the sea. WHAT A CROCK OF SHITE. Like I have said the Danger part of Australia is after July 2027 (US and China) or if mad Putin gets frustrated and escalated the War in Ukraine and there is a Nuclear exchange so days later most from the Northern Hemisphere will find Australia attractive to move too but when It come to China they have at least 50,000 Communist party member living in Australia already and no doubt they will become helpful for thier cause.
I started this hobbie (1983) when I bought back a 10 foot (3M )Satellite dish then upgrade to 4.5M)

When I came back to australia the only place to fit the dish was the roof and in the early days with a Analogue receiver and found 3 International Satellites (Intelsat) where I know one was wobbling (out of orbit) yet because I had a Seatal Tracker I was about to track the Satellite and tell the uplinker in the US (trouble to find who owns it) what was going on. They relied on OTC for there expensive work. For me I was proud to do it for nothing even If I did not have a clue what was going on but learnt quickly. There was no internet those days so we all had FAX Machines yes frigging Fax Machines or land line phones . I made friends in the US and wont be long as I made friend in other Country. I have no regrets on the money I have spent on this hobbie that has kept my brain alive.
After this I put a 4.5M Dish on the roof YES a 14 foot dish a 4.5M dish to replace the smaller one that everyone used it a land mark. You can see it in miles away, Yes that bad but I had friends in the US Help me after a neighbour complained to the council and told the council who I work for and that was it until ( 10 years later) I pulled it down to move to Queensland.
Just Image what I have learnt in the last 41 years also the Encrypting side of thing because I could not work out what I had a good signal but had no picture and sound. Yes the start of digital.
By the way guys what I have said its about 20% of whats going on the World, you wonder why I cannot sleep and some nights I take to many sleeping tablets.

(PS) Yeah I might try to find the Photo of the 4.5M Dish on top of the Roof, you can miss it. I think I still have it take by a my camera yes camera. lol.


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Mar 9, 2016
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Found them!!
The Main 4.5M Dish facing East, West and Far away. The 1.9M Dish is for Aussat (now Optus) Once again I made good friend till today because the uplinker in the west coast of US plaster my Name, thank me for me help for one of the Satellites that not in a geostationary position. After this US Military in the foot print of this Satellite got the Test Card that goes to Guam, America Samoa, and Pine Gap and said WHO IS THIS PERSON. Still have the Faxs (had to copy them because as you know Faxs fades away after 6 months).

Because its a Old Photo you have to click the link below on the three
4.5M Main Dish facing East

4.5m Main Dish facing west

You can see the dish 500M or more behind our house. I get parts of the US + all The Russian and Asian Satellite , (PS Russian faxes fade away after a few weeks) Yeh they know me and still have their Faxes till today. Have made good friends around the World including Isreal because of this, most are retired and deceased now.) In Australia ZERO NIL Friends, the last one of Power died of Cancer in Jan 2023.

Click this link.