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Thinking of getting a PS5 over a PC/laptop?

J_D 2.0

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* and MS was supposedly allowing the xbox to run/boot in a PC mode where you could run PC software on it... no idea if that idea actually is being actively supported by MS :rolleyes:

You used to be able to run Linux on the PS3, until Sony removed the capability to use it. They all want you locked into their ecosystem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2018
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You used to be able to run Linux on the PS3, until Sony removed the capability to use it. They all want you locked into their ecosystem.
Yep, that feature was called OtherOS using Sony terminology and for most consumers it was removed post sale via a firmware update which is against consumer law as it smacks of bait and switch. Soney = Fcuken Cnuts...

I actually lost access to some of my data stored on the PS3 due to my nephew inserting a game disc into the console and agreeing to the auto firmware updating that was requested. Sadly firmware is stored on game discs and on some BD's and the auto update request can't be turned off...
My speedy young nephew clicked on yes to that fcuken update before I could say "NNoooooow"... so slow on my part :p

Yep it's all lock-in and disposable while these companies continue to tell us how environmentally responsible they are ... i call bullshite on their environmental credentials and adherence to consumer law :mad:


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Not at all surprised :rolleyes:

I considered buying a PS4 when they were first released but Sony didn't port the old PS3 PlayTV (a digital FTA TV tuner and software) to the newer console. Being that I am not a big gamer i decided I wont upgrade so I stuck with the PS3 + PlayTV.

Later, Sony released the PS5 and again decided that FTA TV isn't worth their trouble as I couldn't be monetised via FTA. So again, because I use the console to watch movies and FTA TV with occasional gaming, I stayed put with the PS3. Needless to say Sony has only ever been interested in Sony and over the years they have gone as far as installing rootkits on PC's, removing features (PS3 otherOS), closing authentication servers for purchased movie downloads, etc.

So these days I don't really support Sony as they haven't supported me.

For me the locked down nature of consoles isn't attractive but sadly PC's are going the way of consoles*. The manufacturers/OS providers seem to place their desires above that of the owner of the PC. As is, I've had Win10 remove software, change settings, re-enable tracking, etc. Heck you can't even watch UHD BD's on modern PC''s any more...

And it's worse on android phones (= you are dependant on manufacturer/network provider for OS security updates but their interest is in again selling you another phone) so the lack of security updates = a means where the phone is insecure and thus unsafe to use despite the hardware is still 100% functional.

The future dosen't look bright in terms of user freedoms and sadly we are all buying into it as we continue to run on the upgrade treadmill...

Businesses theyse days are Cnuts really.... both hands in our pockets as they take our computing rights away from us... guess we'll all have to get used to walled gardens :oops:

* and MS was supposedly allowing the xbox to run/boot in a PC mode where you could run PC software on it... no idea if that idea actually is being actively supported by MS :rolleyes:

I've been into online PC gaming since last century and only bought my first console recently. Like you, and for some of the same reasons I have come to dislike and distrust Sony.
I decided to purchase an XBox X because
(A) I'm a Bethesda fan - Starfield at 4K on my big flatscreen TV!
(B) 4K UHD Blu-ray player,
(C) Dolby Digital 5.1 & Atmos audio,
(D) all XBox games can also be installed and played on my PCs.