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VE Calais - No Acceleration


New Member
Aug 18, 2014
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ve calais
Hey all,

I was wondering if anyone had come across this issue before.

Currently, I have a 2008 VE Calais - V6 with 160k on the clock. I noticed over the weekend that the gear changes seemed a bit rougher than usual. The gear changes seemed to have more of a jerking/snapping feel, this was barely noticeable and I didn't think too much of it. I thought I was imagining things.

Today, I drove to work without issue, on my way home I stopped briefly on the side of the road to answer a call, I left the car in D for a minute or 2.
When I went to take off, the engine revved fine however there was no power to the wheels at all, it was as though the car was in neutral.
I tried reverse - no power.
I tried sports shift - no power.

So I decided to turn the car off, wait a few minutes and try again. Started fine, no warnings, normal engine temp and idle.
This time the car moved, the engine revs were not in proportion to the power being delivered. Regardless of the revs, I was barely moving so i backed off, as I did I could hear what sounded like metal on metal. Hard to explain the sound but it was fking nasty and should not be heard from a car.

This scares the **** out of me, I had this happen on my VS many years ago and was almost tboned, apparently it was due to loose engine mounts.
Has anyone had or heard of this issue on a VE, I don't want to try driving it again and will need it towed in a few days to my mechanic.

Edit: this may not be related but I had my ac set to 26 on low. There was bugger all warmth compared to normal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Mar 11, 2013
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Wellington NZ
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06 SSV Blown 373KW ATW
Did you check the engine mounts then? I had a magna a few years ago that had loose engine mounts, I could more feel the block swinging around. Did have some grinding noises I recall.

Sounds like your transmission might have sh*t itself to me - others will have more idea though. Good luck with it mate.