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  • Hey jatsvl,
    just joined today and been reading threads for about a week now, and you've come up with some good things. So I hope its not too much trouble if you could tell me what I done wrong with the transmission. Took pan & filter off; *Located blank 10ml bolt; *Took out valve body to flip bolt over; *put it back together and not only does the dipstick not go all the way in; but the gear stick wont go down to first and the car doesn't wanna move. There's about 2 litres of fluid in there.
    Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers.
    G'day bud,
    was going to replace trans filter and fluid tomorrow, just wanted to ask how much fluid do l nee to refill?
    thanks bud.
    thank you for the info mate helps alot with the new laws that are coming in to know what size rims i can put on her leagaly
    Hi jatsvl

    Just wanted to let you know that you've put up some really good posts recently and have shared lots of knowledge. Well done mate because that's what the forum is all about:thumbsup:

    Regards From Holdfast
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