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GM coming back to Aus

Fu Manchu

We’ll get together. Have a few laughs.
Mar 18, 2006
Reaction score
Members Ride
VZ Crewman, VZ Cross 8, & ya mum.

As if people weren’t distracted enough via their phones….
As if current electronics are robust enough within the heat of our summer...
As if a 55” TFT screens will live long within yje heat of our summer…
As if “technicians” will have the skill to diagnose and repair these computers on wheels…
As if it will be reasonable priced to repair these computers on wheels…
As if I’d be interested in jumping on GM’s subscription model that such will also t certainly have…

As if i can forget how the Holden brand was tossed to the curb as it it was rubbish day…
As if I can forget how GM bled our government of 100’s of millions during the last years…

As if people have forgotten how the dealer network was shafted and tossed to the street.
As if people have forgotten how parts prices have increase while vehicle servicing has become more difficult.

As if I can overlook the ginormous overweigh POS with a high price premium that Cadillac is…

As if, I’d be dumb enough to forget and buy a GM product… because it’s branded Cadillac…

Hard pass.
You know what would fix that?
A 65” screen.